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  1. G

    Coco grow - 24 hour leaf damage

    What no one grow in coco ?? No one has 60 seconds to write a comment ? (By that i dont mean copy and paste information iv read 100 times before ^^)
  2. G

    Coco grow - 24 hour leaf damage

    Just got home from work and the problem seems to of escalated. I am seeing several deficiencies now they have progressed. The main one being Phosphorus deficiency in the lower leaves turning dark brow at the tips and margin that feel soft to touch (Some might mistake this for mold problems)...
  3. G

    Coco grow - 24 hour leaf damage

    I have calmag+ with added nitrogen for the chlorosis. I have been supplementing my water with this but as it happens my last feed I didn't. It is only one strain that is suffering from this and doesn't look like the average cal mag def iv had before. Ill try flushing with a light feed with...
  4. G

    Coco grow - 24 hour leaf damage

    Hey man cheers for dropping in! Umm I am unsure if these are the problems, it is unlike anything iv experienced before. The pale leaves I believe are due to the light feed iv been givin them. But I am unsure of what the damage on the leaves are? Flush? Coco? I was under the impression you...
  5. G

    Another case of drooping plants, please help

    I flood same as you do feel my anger. every 3 hours but i time the flood so as soon as its at the top of the pot it stops and starts to drain again this usually requires the pump to run for about 5 - 10 mins depending on how many liters per hour it moves. I believe temps to be your problem...
  6. G

    Another case of drooping plants, please help

    You need to know the temps of your res my friend. Temps that are out will cause you all sorts of problems this being one of them. Were is your res kept out side the grow room?
  7. G

    Another case of drooping plants, please help

    What temps is your res kept at? Looks like there drowning my friend
  8. G

    Coco grow - 24 hour leaf damage

    Hey guys back again with some difficulty iv been having. Set up my garden to be as simply as possible to eliminate any problems and it doesn't seem to of worked. I have been growing mothers under T5's in coco using Plant magic coco a + b. These are the healthiest shrubs iv ever had looking...
  9. G

    First time in soil

    Dude i am far from trying to get the "perfect soil mix" all i wanted is somthing to put them in and chuck some nutes at it, so far iv had and this is before adding any nutes i will add, burnt leaves, slow growth and a massive head aik. I read loads and loads of reviews that the light mix...
  10. G

    First time in soil

    Oh i have read and spoken to growers who were dedicated to using all mix that bio bizz partnered with an american company who cut corners and ever since there mix's have done nothing but cause head aiks. Well as it is this all seems to be to much of a headaik concidering soil is supposed to be...
  11. G

    First time in soil

    The reason is because i am now using a superior mix medium, and have much more controll over ph, and treating problems without it, and its a bit 80's style growing. Plagron light mix is a peat based mix, you highly recomend adding dolmite lime, realy ?
  12. G

    First time in soil

    Cool well from now on I'll just water usaly 3 - 4 days a time, iv read that all mix used to be good now it's problem central...?
  13. G

    First time in soil

    Ok the roots were white an healthy but hardly even filled the 3 litre pots, iv washed off all soil and reported in light mix it's been a few weeks and still got problems. Kinda confusing.
  14. G

    First time in soil

    Hey guys thanks for all the comments, there are alot of theory's going on here not sure what to make of it, though there might be standard procedures to enabling pros subtle problems... Anyways I washed the root ball off and transplanted to plagron light mix, light fertilised this was into...
  15. G

    First time in soil

    Lol your telling me, sure they will sell you anything! well the seedlings in cups potted in all mix are being potted on so i have just got some plagron light mix as iv had so much trouble with all mix, we will see if problems are the same or if ALL MIX is fucking my girls up.
  16. G

    First time in soil

    Hi MrGG thanks for your input, to start with i though the same thing, soil being to hot but as everyone was saying that it was due to underfeeding i dosed them with there first feed. Do you think it could be i transplanted from small round cups, straight to 3 litre pots, my seeds are potted...
  17. G

    First time in soil

    Hi guys, its been aweeks since i gave my girls a feed and problems are still continuing up the plant and its not looking good, though soil growing was supposed to be simple. Day temps still 26*c with nights being 20*c, ph 6.5. I wasnt expecting miracles but i was expecting the problem to...
  18. G

    early cal/mag deficiency?

    Dolmite lime is cal/mag and is good treatment slow release but works as treatment for this deficiency, if this is already mixed in your soil i doubt thats your problem, cant tell you wat your prob is cos your pics minute.
  19. G

    HELP !!! please

    Chill dude.....Looks like Cal/Mag, stop adding all this shit and try one thing at a time, your ladies will go into recovery mode and will take 2 weeks to recover. Make sure your ph is sound and continue to treat with cal/mag plus. Are you using RO Water?
  20. G

    Plant is dying please help.

    Dont think you read it properly says he was told it was phosphorus actualy so both blind