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  1. J

    over watering problems

    hi, i'll try to answer all your Qs. when i first put my plants into buckets i use just enough water to get the roots which are hanging out of the pot wet. so the bucket is about half full. once the roots are growing well i fill the bucket so its about 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the net pot...
  2. J

    over watering problems

    im using a 300w hps light. its about 12 - 15 inches from the top of the plants.
  3. J

    over watering problems

    its a 4 outlet pump. each bucket get abt 2.5l or 1/2 a gallon of air a min. do you think thats enough?? nutes are at 1.7 EC
  4. J

    over watering problems

    the water is that clour because of the nutrients im using. its Canna Aqua..
  5. J

    over watering problems

    Hi, thanks for the quick reply. The net pots dont touch the water at all. each bucket has 3 gallons of water in them, this leaves about a 1 inch gap between water and net pot. Ive taken a couple of pics to show you. there not the greatest as they were taken on my camera phone. they do show how...
  6. J

    over watering problems

    hello everyone, im just started my second DWC grow. im growing 4 plants, which are about 3 weeks old. Each plant is in a 6 gallon bucket, the problem is all 4 plants are showing signs of over watering. The leaves are curling down along the edges and the leaves are drooping. If this is over...
  7. J

    plant trouble

    I hope you can see what I mean on these photos. there not the greatest, Ive had to use my phone, as Ive not got a digital camera. its just the very tips of the leaves.. thanks for having a look......:leaf:
  8. J

    plant trouble

    hello there.. im now into my 5th week of flowering and all is going well. the only thing is ive noticed that a lot of leaves are going yellow right at the tips. is this nutrient burn?
  9. J

    plant trouble

    thanks again for all your advice. you've been a great help. im looking forward to enjoying this crop :joint: and starting the next. do you have a favorite strain that you like to grow?:weed:
  10. J

    plant trouble

    hello again.. well its been a few days now and my plants have recovered nicely. theres now plenty of fan leaves and the splits in the stem dont seem to have affected the plants at all.. im 3 days into the flowering stage, is there anymore advice you can give me. should i trim any leaves off...
  11. J

    plant trouble

    thanks for all your advice. Ive done as you said and tied down all the branches. ive also taken a lot of the big leaves off. I did have one problem, one of the tops i was bending it split. what should i do will it be ok? how long should i now wait before i start to flower them..
  12. J

    plant trouble

    thanks for the advice.. do you think i'll run out of room if i dont supercrop? is this why people supercrop, or does it improve your yield? the main stems are an inch thick.. im just worried i'll do more damage than good
  13. J

    plant trouble

    Im not sure ive got enough room to super crop. my grow room is 4 feet x 4 feet x 6 feet high. all my side branches are growing straight up towards the light and they all look like the main stem at the top. do you still think i should super crop?
  14. J

    plant trouble

    sorry for sounding dumb, but what do you mean by super cropping???
  15. J

    plant trouble

    cheers dude. my plants have settled down now. there growing really fast, all the side branches are turning up and growing towards the light. i wish i had a digital camera so i could post some pics. theyre almost a month old now and are about 2 foot tall.. when do you think i should start...
  16. J

    just started growing

    Hi guys, ive just started growing and wanted to know if ive got my set up right. my grow room is 4 feet x 4 feet x 7 feet. im using a 400 watt hps light on an 18hr on cycle. im doing DWC using four 4 gallon buckets, each bucket gets 1/2 gallon of air a min. a PH of 5.5 and an EC of 1150 PPM...
  17. J

    plant trouble

    my 1 week old plants dont look right. the edges of the leaves are curling down. there growing under lamps in bubbler buckets. they are indicas which ive not grown before. can anyone please help?????