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  1. C

    First time grow set backs. Please Help!!!!!!

    after germination i also put seeds into cubes cuz i got hydroponic setup too and overwatered them in the beginning and i guess it's a common mistake. the second one was i opened up two cubes to make sure seeds are still there =o))) just keep the cubes slightly dump and in warm place.
  2. C

    So whats your occupation?

    automotive engineer
  3. C

    First Grow w/ LED (Lots of Pics)

    i'm also growing using led's one plant under led's combined with t5. one just led one under t5 and one using only sfl so far the fastest growing plant is the one under t5+led.
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    I call it: The BillyBob scrOG.

    that's what im doinn right now =o) it's too early to tell the results though...
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    36 Watts Led Grow In Action Again!!!:)

    wow! expensive shit! way of the future i think. i read about it a month ago. will be watchinn ur grow closely! =o)
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    50W Killer Setup GOD knows how many LUMENS!

    the site is down or closed
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    AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)

    what about changing the nutes? i heard it shoulb like 25-5-5 in the beginning. 20-20-20 veg and 5-5-25 blooming??? what kinda npk ratio he's using?
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    AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)

    ok, i found it!!! here you go - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - DIY Reverse Osmosis - For Scale Grower - Cheap, Portable, & Effective and i've read a few of that guy's treads, very educational, you can learn a lot from him!
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    AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)

    i forgot where i read it, must be on some other site, there's a guy who's been growing for 30 something years uses mr.clean spotless car was filter and water is as good as ro water. so being cheap ($26) it does the same job as po machine.
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    60 Plant Grow Setup

    i see an a/c on ur pic. but where's the exhaust for it, where the hot air from air exchange goes?
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    I call it: The BillyBob scrOG.

    could you place small cfl's under the screen just for thouse buds? ...just a thought.
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    60 Plant Grow Setup

    it was just a thought someone who lived there or visited the place before could recognize it, that's it. i guess im a bit paranoid, hah? =o) but from my experience you gotto be carefull, that's all
  13. C

    60 Plant Grow Setup

    hey dude, i think u give too much personal info. with pictures of ur garage before and all the rooms and shit imho. bad guys come here too! btw - whats the current situationd with u and ur landlord? =o)
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    60 Plant Grow Setup

    i hope he aint reading this story right now =o) if i were u i'd probably pick up yellow pages and call some sertified electrician do do a check up and then would show ur landlord a bill. or have him check up the house without entering the garage, get the simple bill and fake up the bigger bill...
  15. C

    LED grow lights

    but on ebay prices for 100w kit is about $150-$250. why you're saying it'd cost over $1000? and still - are they the best for the purpose?
  16. C

    LED grow lights

    thanks for the reply. however putting the cost aside would LED be the best choice? i just want to experiment and found some lights on ebay which seems like a pretty good deal. i wonder though how many plants you can put under this pack? 4-IN-ONE 168 LED MIX Grow Light growing lights 4 PACK...
  17. C

    LED grow lights

    I'm new here, just started reading couple days ago and wonder if any one here ever used LED lights for growing? I did searched all open forums and system says - no matches found :confused: