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  1. dielaughing

    Think I'm a week or so away from harvest. Am I right? (pics)

    Cool, so do you mean it looks like I could harvest in a few days? Or did you mean a week and a half? Just want to be sure. Thanks!
  2. dielaughing

    Think I'm a week or so away from harvest. Am I right? (pics)

    Thanks man, I actually do have one of those cheap radio shack handheld scopes... Thing is the light already has sort of an amber hue so I'm not sure if I'm seeing things just right...
  3. dielaughing

    Think I'm a week or so away from harvest. Am I right? (pics)

    I have a hand-held microscope but I'm just not sure if I'm seeing things right with it because the built in light gives everything an amber-ish look. This is my first grow. 3 Nirvana AK 48s, grown under sun + cfls, 7 weeks into flower. There are 3 different plants, each of these pics have...
  4. dielaughing

    How long til' I harvest??? (pics)

    I'm guessing you're right on that. They are a couple weeks older with the exception of the one you pointed out. Thing is with the dwindling sunlight they just haven't reached their full potential (not a lot of trichomes compared to the ones I have at home) so I wasn't sure if they needed...
  5. dielaughing

    How long til' I harvest??? (pics)

    Some of the outdoor are the same and some aren't. Not sure what the strain is of the other stuff... Are you saying the second batch (outdoor) look further along to you?
  6. dielaughing

    How long til' I harvest??? (pics)

    And here are some from an outdoor grow.
  7. dielaughing

    How long til' I harvest??? (pics)

    Just into week 6 of flowering for my Nirvana AK 48s. I've checked the trichomes with a pocket microscope but it's hard to judge with that thing, the image is always dark no matter what I do so I'm not sure if I'm picking up the color properly... Anyhow hopefully some skilled eyes can tell me...
  8. dielaughing

    over-fertilized. Should I flush??? (pics)

    Thanks for the advice. They are all in 5 gallon buckets. I understand I have to flush with 2 or three times the container size right? So that means I have to flush with 10 gallons of water? Can I do this a bit at a time? I don't know how I'd ph all of that water and keep it in a managable...
  9. dielaughing

    over-fertilized. Should I flush??? (pics)

    Two and a half weeks in.
  10. dielaughing

    over-fertilized. Should I flush??? (pics)

    These ladies are in their second week of flowering. Ak-48 in 5 gallon pots with Fox Farm soil. I recently potted up and gave them fresh Fox Farm Ocean Forest AND gave them a helping of Blue Mountain Organics Super Plant Tonic + Flower Power. I think the nutes were too much for it as the fresh...
  11. dielaughing

    important question about humidity + mould.

    I'm actually in florida and it's been really balmy lately. I have one fan per plant so I think these ladies should be A-Ok. Thanks.
  12. dielaughing

    important question about humidity + mould.

    Great. That's just what I was hoping to hear. Thanks!
  13. dielaughing

    important question about humidity + mould.

    I have three plants that are one week into flowering. They spend the mornings under cfls in the grow room from 7-9, then between 9-5 they are usually out on the screened porch where they get excellent sunlight, then back in the grow room 'til lights out. The grow room itself connects to a...
  14. dielaughing

    Adding nutrients after transplanting into Fox Farm soil???

    I'm a week into flower and I want to transfer two plants from 3 gallon pots to 5 gallon buckets. I'll be putting them into some fresh Fox Farm soil. It's my understanding that FF provides nutrients and some do not reccomend adding nutes for a few weeks when using fox farm but it's going to be...
  15. dielaughing

    Weed 911!!! Emergency!!! Is there a doctor in the house!!!

    Awesome. Done. Glad to know that what I did should work. Thankyou!
  16. dielaughing

    Weed 911!!! Emergency!!! Is there a doctor in the house!!!

    So I was moving shit around so I could set my lights up better in the grow room and a fucking cardboard box fell on top of my plant which is one week into flower. Out of all of them she has the most developed buds so far. The box essentially split the branches down the middle leaving one of...
  17. dielaughing

    Any of these males?

    Thanks. They're all beyond 6 weeks, (in a little over a week they'll be two months old). I've got a few plants with the white hairs that are females and I know to look for the balls but I thought you can tell before they form. As long as they don't look male then I'm glad for now.
  18. dielaughing

    Any of these males?

    I think it's too early to tell but I'm still a newbie so I'm not sure. No need to post links to pics of male and female plants, I've looked at loads of them but I'm still confused as how to spot males before the pollen sacks form. I hope these pics give enough detail, it's the best I can...
  19. dielaughing

    Help me decide what to do with my F***ed up plant.

    Yeah, actually I just realized today that it's a girl. I was pretty close to trashing it but I figured it's worth holding onto her now. I'm keeping her away from the others and replanting her outside soon. In the meantime I decided to change the soil, a mix of sterilized soil, perlite and...
  20. dielaughing

    Help me decide what to do with my F***ed up plant.

    No different soil. There is one other that got the same soil as it did and it went through a rough period as well but bounced back. I actually ended up replanting the shitty one in Fox Farm soil yesterday. I was super close to just trashing it because it looked like death but then I noticed...