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  1. akashefi12

    Grape Ape- Pistils w pictures!

    I dunno... Kinda frustrating, heh. Im pretty good with computers and I cant figure it out. tried everything. Anyway, try looking at my profile pictures which was taken a few days ago (and uploaded with no issues, from same phone? heh). You can see how white all the hairs are still. Thanks
  2. akashefi12

    Grape Ape- Pistils w pictures!

    should be very simple. I email the photo to myself, im sure to save as jpg, and it is under max size. go to attachment manager, select pic, click upload and red circle with explanation mark every time.
  3. akashefi12

    Grape Ape- Pistils w pictures!

    its down to 20KB, as a .jpg? still wont upload. any suggestions
  4. akashefi12

    Grape Ape- Pistils w pictures!

    Cant seem to for some reason... Im still trying... Sorry, im a newb here! ahhh
  5. akashefi12

    Grape Ape- Pistils w pictures!

    Having trouble posting the pics? I read how to upload pics in FAQ, and im assuming they are too big to upload? An Iphone picture?
  6. akashefi12

    Grape Ape- Pistils w pictures!

    Hey all, I am pretty new to this forum but am really liking it here. I have been growing for a while now but I need more opinions as I feel trapped. I have a couple Grape Apes-supposedly a 60 day strain. FF ocean forest, FF nutes with a few other additives. I am right at 59 days flowering...
  7. akashefi12

    Have made a small pc grow box

    Some use miracle grow, but I suggest Fox Farm Ocean Forest.. used on seedlings, babies, clones and NEVER had a problem. 3 CFLs should be alright but the more the better, as long as heat is under control. Lookin forward to seeing these lowryders./ good luck
  8. akashefi12

    My Progress! From being a total noob.

    i assume you mean how you should get them before switching to flowering? veg is first and entails the vegatative, green growth of the plant..flowering is the actual flowering (or budding) of the plant. as far as cycles, 18/6 is best (opinion) for veg. some use 24 hours and I have used with...
  9. akashefi12

    Yes, I am a Newbie that needs advice.

    Well, dont plan on that! I can give a pretty simple guide to NOT killing your first plants. Germinate = moist paper towel, not drenched, put into a zip lock with an opening for air. put in room temp, dark spot. within 2-3 days they should pop. Plant the popped seed with the tap root (white...
  10. akashefi12

    temperature and humidity

    No, dont raise it...55% humidity is pretty good through cycle. some say 65 for veg, some say 45 for flower, but 55 is pretty good... ideal temp / humidity = 76-78 degrees/50-60% humidity. Good luck
  11. akashefi12

    temperature and humidity

    That is with lights on? How about humidity with lights off? Could get up to 60%-80%. Perhaps, try a day/night temp gauge?
  12. akashefi12

    Yes, I am a Newbie that needs advice.

    I would suggest reading as well. Perhaps, look into Jorge Cervantez grow bible... Or, even Youtube if your not much of a reader. Watch all the beginner grow videos. There is a bunch of free info out there. Also, Google is your friend. Search "how to construct grow box" and viola... Good luck bud
  13. akashefi12

    Can you clone plants in anything?

    Currently trying multiple methods of cloning. The ones that look the best have been rockwool with tap water simply poored over, cut clone at diagonal (45 degree), and stuck into cube with flouros over it. Surprising after trying so many methods that require so much extra work.
  14. akashefi12

    My Progress! From being a total noob.

    "Its weird because the Northern Lights is growing much slower than the other plants and I dont know why. So here is my first and current growroom! Thanks for reading!! Any tips comments or questions feel free!" I wouldn't be to worried about this..Most of the growth is probably happening under...
  15. akashefi12

    Expected yeild?

    Ya, way too many factors. For a new grower, I would say an ounce or two per plant. I remember what I expected and hoped for my first grow, and what I actually got. Just enjoy what your doing, learn from the masters(those around here, not me!) and you will have fun along with some good smoke at...
  16. akashefi12

    trash males or seperate.

    Haha, Ya I wouldn't really trust anything coming from a 40 year old tweaker. : /
  17. akashefi12

    grow room veg/flower side by side

    Yeah, heavy metal is correct. First time I had heard of it so I thought someone might find it interesting.
  18. akashefi12

    What is this powdery substance ?

    Mold, really? I was going to ask if it might jsut be salt build ups on the hydroton. It has been a while since i used the stuff but I thing I remember white build up like that... Anyone using hydroton got any input?
  19. akashefi12


    Off of the main stem you have the growth of a water leaf and shoot. You can see 2 tiny "flaps" coming from the center of those growths. right there you will see little white hairs grow out called pistils. This is proof of a female. Good luck !
  20. akashefi12

    Plants 6 days into Veg, Not Growing!

    I just found this reposted by Bonzi Lighthouse on a similar thread- Originally Posted by racerboy71 During the first week or so, a new plant puts a lot of energy into creating a healthy root structure, and you may not see a lot of growth going on above soil, but rest assured, its doing...