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  1. V

    Need advice on a 20plant grow plan

    samiamsam i have the exact same room size and have been wrestling over and over with the 4 x 600s or 4 x 1000s comparision i will say the reason for the idea of the 600 s is i have 1 1000 hanging in a octogon reflector and the room is sealed off it gets real hot in there and if i had 4 1000s i...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Uncle ben i am first time grower i have 8 auto flowering plants under a 400 watt and it is 15 inches above i transplanted them 4 days ago to 3 gal containers. The one in the middle is showing leaf curl up bad i use 1/4 strength nuits then recomended i raised the light to 30 inches but the plant...
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Attitude seed bank all the way 8 day delivered twice no problems
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    My 4000 watt Sour Grapes Grow!

    Thanks for taking the time to do these vids, it helps us newbies and lets us look at diff strains and techniques its better than going to the movies