Search results

  1. Tinker Greenly

    Cloning: choose healthiest or first rooted?

    I've got a good situation: more rooted clones than I need for my next crop. My question is do I use the ones that rooted first or the greenest healthiest looking ones? I think the answer is to go with the healthiest ones, but I clone from clones (after a month of veg, right before putting...
  2. Tinker Greenly

    What's up with the NorCal weed market?

    Thing is the stuff I sell to some of the local guys is barely more expensive than the outdoor and I have to think it's more potent. Oh well, guess I'll just sit on what I've got and wait it out...unless the permitted mega-growers in Oakland and Berkeley are up and running by then...
  3. Tinker Greenly

    What's up with the NorCal weed market?

    Now that all the outdoor weed is flooding in I can't seem to move my stuff. I grow some killer indoor that looks great and is potent as hell. I used to get $3200/lb but lately it's been super slow. Maybe it's time to drive down to the OC. Anybody else going through the same thing?
  4. Tinker Greenly

    Yellow & Brown Leaves...What's Wrong?

    Ok, I picked up a soil pH tester and found out my soil is 6.0, significantly lower than the 6.5-7.0 that most growers recommend. Guess I'll use some pH up to increase my water pH by a point or so to slowly increase the pH over several waterings. Does anyone else have a way to do it?
  5. Tinker Greenly

    Yellow & Brown Leaves...What's Wrong?

    Nope, I just put my faith in Jacks Classic.
  6. Tinker Greenly

    Yellow & Brown Leaves...What's Wrong?

    I water every 2-3 days but the containers don't dry out equally so sometimes a soggy container gets more water than it should. I haven't checked soil pH but this mix is supposed to be properly balanced.
  7. Tinker Greenly

    Yellow & Brown Leaves...What's Wrong?

    Normally the veg cycle is simple for me, but this time my plants never seem to be happy. The latest issue is areas of yellowing and brown spots on the top, middle and lower leaves. The pics are from two different plants and I'm not sure they're suffering from the same problem. I think it...
  8. Tinker Greenly

    Hydrogen Peroxide Foliar Spray

    Ok, thanks for clarifying. So with a foliar spray I think I'm hearing you say you can use 1.3 teaspoon/gallon without damaging your plants?
  9. Tinker Greenly

    Hydrogen Peroxide Foliar Spray

    Hillcrest, that's an interesting study, thanks for posting. Of course they were studying adding H2O2 to soil, not using it as a foliar spray. I can't make sense of this line: So the 1X concentation was better than the 10X concentration, but no better than plain water? Then they go on to say...
  10. Tinker Greenly

    Hydrogen Peroxide Foliar Spray

    Did you use the 3% stuff straight or dilute it?
  11. Tinker Greenly

    Hydrogen Peroxide Foliar Spray

    I've hear some good things about using hydrogen peroxide in a foliar spray but don't know what dilution rate to use. Does anyone out there have experience using it? I've got the industrial strength 35% H2O2 as well as the 3% drug store stuff. How did you use it? Is it good for general usage...
  12. Tinker Greenly

    Did I overwater these seedlings?

    It's been exactly one week and I wanted to circle back with the happy ending. It turns out nutes were just what the doctor ordered. Even with the over watering they've grown a lot and are looking very healthy. I've alternated between all purpose (20-20-20) and bloom nutes (10-30-20).
  13. Tinker Greenly

    Emergency harvest! Ever had to do it?

    The harvest window for sativas is a couple of weeks so you're probably ok pulling them now.
  14. Tinker Greenly

    Emergency harvest! Ever had to do it?

    One of my outdoor grows got ripped off once. They just took the top cola's and left the rest. I don't think I'd ever been so angry. It was very close to harvest and we just harvested what was left which turned out to be pretty good smoke. It's almost November, when were you going to pull them?
  15. Tinker Greenly

    Did I overwater these seedlings?

    Thanks for all the advice. I figured plain water would be fine for the first feeding because there's supposed to be a small amount of nutes already in the soil Sunshine Mix #4 ...this popular growing mix has a highly soluble nutrient charge equivalent to about one liquid feeding with a...
  16. Tinker Greenly

    Did I overwater these seedlings?

    So I should use a bloom fertilizer for transplanting? What about doing a foliar feed until the soil dries more?
  17. Tinker Greenly

    Did I overwater these seedlings?

    I transplanted these seedlings a four to five days ago and they're not looking good. They were nicely rooted in rockwool and I put them in 5"x5" pots with Sunlight (peat/perlite) mix. I then watered them heavily with plain water to the point of run off. Since then the top leaves have been...
  18. Tinker Greenly

    A Conservative Viewpoint on Prop 19

    It's nice to see another conservative here on RIU! Frankly, I don't understand why most growers aren't free market libertarians. After all, growing weed even though it's illegal is a very free market thing to do. Why should some far off government in Washington tell us what we can do? Our...
  19. Tinker Greenly

    Best way to use Jack's Classic Fertilizer

    Anyone? I found this interesting post: I've also read some interesting things about using Osmocote Plus (15-9-12) and nothing else from seedling to harvest. Sounds pretty damn simple.
  20. Tinker Greenly

    Best way to use Jack's Classic Fertilizer

    I've heard so much about Jack's Classic I just had to get some. It just arrived in the mail today, so now what do I do? Should I just follow the directions or are there other recommendations out there? I feel like I've been over fertilizing my girls (1100 ppm with each watering in a soiless...