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  1. Ruuperts

    Something ain't right. Seed problem

    I've been researching MJ growing for few years now(just didn't have access to a grow space), I have read like 4 books about growing and saw various grow DVD's(I think most of them) so I'm not that much of a dummy. a while ago I had 10 "HQ Seeds" WW seeds, that didn't germinate using paper...
  2. Ruuperts


    yeah I couldn't find a i shop that sells these, but I really want one. I don't live in the US and there are like 2 headshops in my town. maybe you know a keyword or something that could help me find downstems like this. I don't even know how it's called.
  3. Ruuperts


    you know, there's these cool downstems, that every hi-end bong has(like illadelph, medicali etc.) they are 18,8mm to 14,4mm(i think) and they aren't that tall on the outside of the bong. It looks like this: I need one! But I can't find a place to get it. :-( Have you guys ever bought one of...
  4. Ruuperts

    Lowryder#2 Journal

    Looks like a Nitrogen deffency to me.
  5. Ruuperts

    Lowryder#2 Journal

    no prob :)
  6. Ruuperts

    Lowryder#2 Journal

    Easy - 10 - 20% perlite For example if you use ten cups of growing medium then 8 cups of it should be soil and 2 cups perlite
  7. Ruuperts


    yeah I know all this but approximately I should know in liters how much a 2 gallon pot of soil will hold. thanks for responding tho.
  8. Ruuperts


    So I'm calculating how much water will I use for entire grow. I have a soil moisture meter , but I don't have my soil yet. How much water should I give a vegging plant thats living in a 2 gal pot, per one watering? And how often do I water a flowering plant?
  9. Ruuperts

    Bying Buds per internet???

    you're sure?
  10. Ruuperts

    Something with seeds

    Anyone?? :confused:
  11. Ruuperts

    Something with seeds

    The first two days there wasn't a film on the pots, but the soil dried out real fast and I had to water twice a day. It was written in a book, that you can put a film on the pots until you see the sprout. I can't figure out why is that, maybe too much water in the jar witch had paper towels in...
  12. Ruuperts

    Something with seeds

    Something fu*ked up with my seeds. I didn't soak them in water before putting them in paper towels. It took about 8 days for them to crack open, so I planted them in little pots with soil and with plastic film over them. Now 7 days later nothing has changed, except they have turned black. By the...
  13. Ruuperts

    My first harvest/ plant problems

    You can try misting it at nighttime and watering it more often to keep it cool.
  14. Ruuperts

    What do you think?

    I know, I know, but you lucky bastards live in US or Canada or something, but I live in Latvia, most of the people haven't even heard of a place like this.It's very,very hard(even impossible) to get a white/black pvc plastic here, there is one place were you can get a hps, but its about 90$ / a...
  15. Ruuperts

    What do you think?

    There will be pics soon!
  16. Ruuperts

    What do you think?

    I've got all the buckets and yeast, but I will activate it later when my babies flower.
  17. Ruuperts

    Need help asap!

    Thanks guys! My soil will come in couple of days, those bastards didn't ship in time :mrgreen: And my seeds are already germinated.
  18. Ruuperts

    Need help asap!

    c'mon i need help FAST!
  19. Ruuperts

    Need help asap!

    Can I start my seeds in one soil in 2in x 2.5in pots and then later transplant to other, better soil???
  20. Ruuperts

    What do you think?

    Thanks. I guarantee there will be pics.