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  1. nlblue

    Talking to your plants insane?

    nothing like exchanging c02 for oxygen
  2. nlblue

    How do you make a weed plant grow short & bushy, but with the same flowering times??

    even if you are using Metal Halide, it is god to put some 6500k CFL's around pointing sideways at the plant to let the light penetrate. This will help it bush out more, Keep your upper light close as you can w/o burning to keep it form stretching. Without knowing your set-up I cant be more...
  3. nlblue

    First harvest

    my first thought was you harvested too early, but when you said it was your day smoke and the type of high you got, then i thought it was good timing for you. The Sativa's take weeks longer to flower complete, but if you got what you wanted then you did great.
  4. nlblue

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    really nice grow to watch. NLBLUE=Northern Lights Blue so naturally i gotta watch this thru. Great job thus far!
  5. nlblue

    ~journal~ jumboSWISHER's hoping for a JUMBO yeild

    I was thinking about the possibilities with this method. What do you think of this? Put a branch in a completely different container and let it root. once it takes hold and gets good growth, cut the branch close to the mother plant and wa-la you have two plants. no seperate cloning cuts needed.
  6. nlblue

    1st grow searching for mother plants

    looking good. is the retard still growing? Did you try any rooting hormone to urge it on when you watered it?
  7. nlblue

    G13 White Widow with other strains unknown, soil & dwc

    looking good. what was the temperature of the MH? 4100k or was that with a hortilux blue or something?
  8. nlblue

    ~journal~ jumboSWISHER's hoping for a JUMBO yeild

    excellent post. gotta bookmark it for reference, though I think I got it down to memory. Couple questions on it though. Did you put the rooting hormone on it once only - then dip it in the soil?? or did you wet it and put some plastic wrap around it to keep it moist for awhile first and then...
  9. nlblue

    First Grow - Northern Lights with 400w

    that third picture, the one with the big leaf and the blue background is awesome, totally artistic dude, totally national geographic quality! Congrats on having a girl!
  10. nlblue

    Legalization May Not Be What You Think....

    P.S. not to mention an excerpt from cannabisnews: "Republican Tom Campbell, for example, has denounced the government’s war on drugs in past campaigns, saying the billions of dollars that...
  11. nlblue

    Legalization May Not Be What You Think....

    The GOP has a lot of libertarians in it, not just "moralists". If you say with a broad brush "Republicans" then you don't know much about thr GOP, don't know much about the innerworkings of the party, or what it is composed of, etc. etc. Gary Johnson (former GOP Gov of NM) may be the most...
  12. nlblue

    anyone ever GRAFTED weed?

    Oh, my last post was in response to your question.
  13. nlblue

    anyone ever GRAFTED weed?

    actually rooting hormone can increase the success of the graft. It increases the formation of callus and the rate at which the new cambium cylinder is differentiated through the callus parenchyma cells. Cell division is increased etc. At least it does work in trees and I don't really see why...
  14. nlblue

    What's Up With Speedyseedz Site?

    working now
  15. nlblue

    anyone ever GRAFTED weed? Here's a true grafting I found. Hey keep us posted when you do it.
  16. nlblue

    Whats Your Favorite Strain?

    the very fact that various strains have different affects flys in the face of the nonsense spouted off by those who continually oppose legalization. I saw something somewhere that mentioned driving under the influence. What?? Am i driving too careful?? thats what usually happens. Skunk#1...
  17. nlblue

    anyone ever GRAFTED weed?

    Good question. I took an extensive course in grafting years ago. It was very interesting. There's several ways to do it. What would make you want to graft weed though? A hermie problem?
  18. nlblue

    all this talk about BAGSEED

    I agree, its the grower. I think it would be fair to say most people are in a hurry, don't really know what they are doing, or don't care, just wanna make a quick buck. So you can get some quality seeds yeah. Won't know until you grow.
  19. nlblue

    What's Up With Speedyseedz Site?

    I had the same thing happen. I just sent an email to ask whats going on. Got this message: The server at home requires a username and password. Warning: This server is requesting that your username and password be sent in an insecure manner (basic authentication without a...
  20. nlblue

    First Grow - Northern Lights with 400w

    wow! Successful transplant, Looking great!!