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  1. K

    When to transplant?

    When to transplanting isn't really that big of a deal. Use your best educated guess when you think the girls are using up all of the pot. However, though depending on when you plan to flower, with 3 gallon pots you can usually go until around 40-60 days depending on individual growth rate...
  2. K

    Locking closet door...

    Why don't you use a bolt lock, hook up a piece of plastic or light weight wood to the lock and place a magnet on the end of the plastic/wood. Use the opposite magnet to unlock/lock the door from the outside. You won't see a thing on the outside, door knobs would still work (if there is one) and...
  3. K

    What would be the best watt hps for this cab?

    Well with only 3ft long - unless you don't plan to move the light - its going to be very difficult to have ducting set up. They are very close to 3 ft long and on top 6" in diameter. If you just have it set up so that the light is at the top you might be able to get away with setting it straight...
  4. K

    Indoor grow: Accidental dark time during vegging...should i roll with it?

    Honestly you could keep them at 24/0 if you WANT, but imo waste of electricity. So yeah, switch to 18/6. (whenever you want.) GL
  5. K

    wrong size tent wtf

    Holy shit bro, calm down. To each his own eh? Why does it matter to you the way someone else handles their business? We are all here to learn/educate about growing pot, not win a beauty pageant.
  6. K

    Indoor grow: Accidental dark time during vegging...should i roll with it?

    Fix it, set the timer back to its normal routine. You are fine plants wont hermie unless they are in flower, and it takes a couple of weeks to induce a plant to start flowering. So as long as you don't keep messing with the light schedule or have the power cut off often you will be fine...
  7. K

    I need some freakin' help here . . .

    Why the only reason you have nothing to say is because i answered for you. Happy A++ grade.
  8. K

    I need some freakin' help here . . .

    lol *FACE+PALM* Tell me, what LOVES oxygen when growing marijuana. Lets make it simpler what LOVES oxygen when growing marijuana in a hydro setup. _______ (pssss; roots!) What happens when you give the stalk of a clone oxygen without any roots? ________ (pssss; nothing!) When CLONING, what does...
  9. K

    I need some freakin' help here . . .

    Congrats on observing such useless information. You failed to realize that i have 500 post in only 2 years (going on 3) where you have nearly twice as much posts in less than a year. (5 months) Knowledge is knowledge and the fact im arguing is because im trying to help the OP receive correct...
  10. K

    I need some freakin' help here . . .

    I'm sorry i will refine my earlier post. If you are working with say, Arizona dirt, then i advise you to simply take 1% of that dirt and add in 99% of soil. Soil is a combination of basic ingredients*/materials* to sustain the life of plants. Does that mean forever? No. Just simply the basic...
  11. K

    I need some freakin' help here . . .

    Its not about being rich or poor, a waste is a waste. Thats like telling your kids candy is a waste of money when you buy them a $5 meal and they dont eat it only to ask for candy in an hour. Waste means not necessary, not unacceptable.
  12. K

    I need some freakin' help here . . .

    non sense. Just extra effort. Soil by itself gives enough oxygen for it to produce roots. Water the soil before planting and then water with a spray bottle to keep the soil moist 2 times a day and youll see growth.
  13. K

    I need some freakin' help here . . .

    When using rockwool you want to soak them right before you clone. (like 10 minutes before you clone) If you are a soil grower then theres no point in messing with rockwool. Waste of money imo. Water is all you need. Even if its a cup of water, stick it in there and put a zip lock bag around it.
  14. K

    Not sure if this is a problem

    Let Uncle Ben explain..
  15. K

    Dark time before flower???

    IMHO it seems pointless. And a waste of 24 hours (technically 12hours) that could have been good growth. I go straight to 12/12 but mostly because i run two batches at a time. I do however switch them right before they sleep. So they get technically get 18/12. I guess it depends on how your...
  16. K

    grow box fan question

    This all depends on your filtration method. Instead of picking up 4 pc fans pick up two. Set them up for intakes and then buy yourself a $20 6" duct booster fan. Use this as your exhaust and filter fan. You can then either buy a carbon filter or make a simple carbon chamber filter and stick it...
  17. K

    Nervous to top lol

    Crap, missed it. Stupid internet connection! :cuss: Oh well you got what you need GL!
  18. K

    grow box fan question

    PC fans my friend. I have a VEG tent just a foot taller than yours and with T5s you wont get too hot with proper ventilation. Go to radio shack and buy some pc fans. Look on the packaging for the amps, The higher the amps the more better they are. Grab about 4 (two for intake, two for exhaust)...
  19. K

    Nervous to top lol

    Sure no problem. What are you trying to achieve from topping? More bushy plant, more tops? And cut straight. If you want to make a clone out of the top just cut the angle after you topped.
  20. K

    Check out my girls bush (Pixs)

    Keep them bushy, dont raise the lights. They will grow beautifully.