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  1. M

    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    Americans choose what they focus on. I don't watch Fox or MSNBC. It's shit. I decide what I watch, what I focus on... and so does everyone else.
  2. M

    Internet Privacy

    They'll subpoena the log file of visitors' IP addresses, or gather other clues that could help identify an individual, and use this to support getting a warrant or a conviction. Obscure your shit.
  3. M

    Internet Privacy

    No, it doesn't. The only difference between a full format and a quick format is whether or not it checks for bad sectors after it erases the master file table. That data is still recoverable by any data recovery pro, probably even if it's been overwritten once or twice. If you want to remove...
  4. M

    Internet Privacy

    While this is technically true, it's beyond the capabilities of most law enforcement agencies. A federal agency such as the FBI, NSA, or CIA may be able to pull this off, but they're not going to expend the resources on smokers, home growers, or political dissidents. Against a terrorist network...
  5. M

    Internet Privacy

    For secure browsing, you can use a proxy service, but you can't be sure the proxy is trustworthy. It could be a honeypot. Or it could be legit, but they'll turn over their records under court order. Best bet is to use Tor/Vidalia. For secure file storage, you'll want to use full disk...
  6. M

    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    Tea Partiers are wealthier and better educated than the general public: The reason so many Tea Partiers don't want to get rid of SS & Medicare? Because they were forced to pay into their entire...