Search results

  1. P

    ive searched but nothing definitive "how much azatrol for a 24oz spray bottle" +rep

    little late, but i looked up what the company recommends for 'medium' mite infestation two days ago, and it said 8 % azatrol/water solution. i got a half gallon orange juice container out of the recycle and added 1 tbsp azatrol. dunked plants. seem to be heavily cleansed and happy. company site...
  2. P

    Dinafem Roadrunner

    i just got 6 fem AK-47s and 6 fem Chronics from seed boutique, and they threw in 5 Roadrunners. I just set up my spot yesterday and had given all the pots equal soil. From what im reading now, i think i'll kick a decent amount of the soil from the planned roadrunner cans over to the ak and...
  3. P

    GreenHouse: Hawaiian Snow

    i feel a little skeptical about tellin you where to get these, cuz im about to buy some in a month or so and dont want em to run out haha, but im feeling helpful for some reason...