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  1. Reggaemuffin

    Re-using RockWool Cubes.

    Yea, I dig what you're saying HorribleHerk. However many variables are prohibiting me from heading to the hydro store. Also, let me ask you, what's your routine for clones? I like to soak my rockwool in water, put it on a heated pad under florescent lights for a day. Next day, take my...
  2. Reggaemuffin

    Re-using RockWool Cubes.

    Now before you get the wrong impression, I'm re-using the cubes that were carrying failed clones. There is root-stimulant powder in there. I need to take more clones and was wondering if I need to soak it in a bit of h202 to a gallon of water and wait for a couple days. Thx
  3. Reggaemuffin

    Cloning problem, What am I doing wrong? help ,

    what should I do with the other ones? I have another tray that is thriving for some reason, I didn't do anything differently for the other one... how should I maintain it? so far I've been spraying it every couple of hours because for some reason the dome does not remain humid for long, does...
  4. Reggaemuffin

    Cloning problem, What am I doing wrong? help ,

    They were "upstairs" in an environment that was 24-28C regularly -- so that, plus the heated trays perhaps was too much for them. However, as soon as they wilted, I misted them, and moved thme somewhere cooler and off the heated trays yet they are still wilting and dying... is there anyway...
  5. Reggaemuffin

    Cloning problem, What am I doing wrong? help ,

    Hey everyone, so I cut these clones two nights ago, I dipped them in cloning gel and put them in the rock wool that has been dipped in water, under their trey I put some heated mats. so, after the first day, I let them dry out completely in a 32 degree 99% humidity environment, I felt that was...
  6. Reggaemuffin

    seedling problem

    Pics please so we can determine if its alright or needs some care. Lol @growing buds not leaves . Not trooper not yet, it's still too early.with saying that, yes your right later in flowering discard that yellow leaf wrinkled waste into compost. I like heated mats get those for the seedlings...
  7. Reggaemuffin

    Cleaning with bleach.

    Sorry it's orange guard not agent lol..should have looked at it but orange agent,agent orange is floating around my memory . so cleaning with bleak is cool I can take the plants out for 1h and put them back?
  8. Reggaemuffin

    Cleaning with bleach.

    I'm about to clean my veg room with bleach now I have about 30+ plants in there and was curious if I could take them out maybe even for an hour till I clean the room and put them back in. also has anyone heard of orange agent? I know it's a spray but can I apply that with bleach to use on the...
  9. Reggaemuffin

    Something Strange Is Happening!?

    I've gotten a couple of ladies in their 4th week of flowering. The temperature is around 25C turning the day, and can go as low as 13C during the night. They are well fed. I recently found some *Thrips & Spider Mites* On the underside of the leaves, unfortunately the bugs have grown,yet none...
  10. Reggaemuffin

    Seed Germination (safest)

    Hey, what is the safest way to germinate seeds? I recently got some good genetics and I am so scared I will do something to fuck it up before it even lives.... I don't want to do the papertowel method because I fear it... I have a T5 lamp hung... can I just put some soil and holes in a...
  11. Reggaemuffin

    What's the Deal-e-o ?!

  12. Reggaemuffin

    What's wrong?

  13. Reggaemuffin

    Alfalfa Meal, How to use?

    I just read a very interesting post on "THCfarmer" , check it out.
  14. Reggaemuffin

    Alfalfa Meal, How to use?

    Hey, I'm fairly new to Organics. I've recently bought "Alfalfa Meal" and the directions only specify "Bed Preparation" I want to use this as a foliar spray and or mix in with water. I also have "Black strap molasses" that i'd like to use in the mix. My ladies are currently on their 5th week of...
  15. Reggaemuffin


    Ok, Maybe I'm not explaining myself well... I don't have anything to "Power my light" ... Meaning, I need to screw the bulb into something right? Well... The Ballast Is for power, now what feeds the bulb the power? if you go to the link pikeyz sent, look at where the bulb is and what is holding...
  16. Reggaemuffin


    I recently bought a digital ballast and an MH bulb, Problem is, I don't know where to screw the bulb into ? Did I miss something? Please help!?
  17. Reggaemuffin

    Growing in my Attic?

    Hey Everyone :) :) I love this website. I am a long-time reader and finally .. a poster. I would like to ask this community to kindly assist me in figuring out if I can grow in my available space, and then to do the actual setup and what would be involved. WHY: I've decided to grow...
  18. Reggaemuffin

    Help!? Mites!?

    Hello, I've recently obtained 5gallon pots from a friend of mine whom said there were mites in there once upon a time, and he has kept them in his shed for 4 months before giving them to me. I want to transplant my ladies in these pots, but I wanna know before I do, How should I clean the...
  19. Reggaemuffin

    Help!? MITES!?

    Hello, I've recently obtained 5gallon pots from a friend of mine whom said there were mites in there once upon a time, and he has kept them in his shed for 4 months before giving them to me. I want to transplant my ladies in these pots, but I wanna know before I do, How should I clean the pots...
  20. Reggaemuffin

    LST gone wrong! pic

    Indication whether it's a female does not "bust a lot of sticky resin" It's by looking near the nodes to detection white pistils (Female) or the green pollen sacs(Male) Also, If your ladies "assuming" didn't fully break of, it might form into a (knuckle) If not... than trail and errors of...