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  1. mugsby

    Bubblelicious babies last day before entering 12/12

    Any updates about plants?
  2. mugsby

    4x4 Tent - Blue Hash and A-Train

    You make me feel more of a newbie than i even am. i dont even know what this "crucial bend period" iss. haha. more learning to do i guess!
  3. mugsby

    4x4 Tent - Blue Hash and A-Train

    Fuck man, that sucks! I saw that something new was posted on the forum and ive been following this very closely trying to learn about growing, expecting to read about how your plants are doing great still, and i read this! sorry to hear this. good luck with the rest, though and with cloning it...
  4. mugsby

    Bigbang, Cheese, and Trainwreck grow

    Hey, im sorry to hear that the trainwreck didnt grow! dang it. But NICE selection for your next seeds, that hashberry looks D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S. haha. When you start the grow journal for that, could you put a link on this one about it? because i am very interested in it. Thanks!
  5. mugsby

    Growing inside a Enclosed Trailer in the driveway!!

    Great idea, man! Wish I could do this myself. Good idea not letting people know, too. bitches is snitches!. haha. i havent grown yet, still trying to learn about it (which would be why im on here) but just this week i had a bag of that super silver haze its cool to be watching it grow now. its...
  6. mugsby

    Bubblelicious babies last day before entering 12/12

    Haha man you've stuck with it for a long time. Congrats! Hope my future career will not test. Im just roundin my one year anniversary with mary jane. haha
  7. mugsby

    AK47x powerplant check out the babies

    They're looking good. Let me know how they turn out.
  8. mugsby

    Bubblelicious babies last day before entering 12/12

    Plants are looking great. Ive joined on your grow expedition haha. keep us posted! Im a newby trying to learn the ways
  9. mugsby

    Bigbang, Cheese, and Trainwreck grow

    Hola. This post sounds very interesting so i as well am puling up a seat. i have not grown yet, still waiting until i have enough money for lights & whatnot. Just here to learn about the special art. lol.
  10. mugsby

    Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

    No matter how much you want to (and trust me ive fuckin pigged out before lol): DONT GIVE IN TO YOUR MUNCHIES. if i eat enough, sometimes it will even completely get rid of my high. talk about a buzz kill.