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  1. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    The mini balance i've ordered has arrived today, hooray! I hope Julia survives on her own.:?
  2. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    tomorrow i go home. I hope my little girl (IT'S A GIRL!!!-at least it seems so) will survive till i come back. the lower leaves ar yellowing a bit. what does that mean? when i come back i'll bring some fertilisers along. I think.
  3. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    yep. i've bought odor neutralizer and put the wick-waterer in, i hope it will work, because judging from the smell, my plant is a female:) flowering will show in a couple of days. i hope for the best.
  4. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    Pictures! My darling. 15 days old. What do white hairs on its leaves mean? I hope that it's a female:D I can't see pre-flowering yet. But i hope during this week it'll show:P Sorry for the crappy pictures, they were made with my phone and there's some interference too.
  5. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    sooo then at last, pics. one is the pc box i made. i know, i know. light leaks are making me crazy. it is sooooo obvious that it's not just a pc... but hell. I've gotta do something with that. one pic is of the seedling that was very small and needed some humid environment so i put that soda...
  6. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    fuck i forgot. sorry. i've been busy with my semester exams. posting pics right away, though they're old a bit...
  7. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    the third set of leaves is coming out, it grows like hell!!! I'm so excited:)
  8. fuzzysquirrel

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    ok, thanks man, i'll try this wick-stuff! thanks a lot!
  9. fuzzysquirrel

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    mmm, good idea, thanks! :) but won't it soak the whole soil? I mean to a level that would be harmful or too much :dunce:
  10. fuzzysquirrel

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    yea that's why i'm worrying... My dwarf will be 3 weeks old on the 21th, and yes, i'm growing in soil. I've out some clay pellets in the pot beacuse the soil got dry too soon... the air is too dry in the room, and in the pc box in which i'm growing, there's a fan going and it makes it even...
  11. fuzzysquirrel

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    i frequent this thread because i have a white dwarf, but sure i could ask this somewhere else, but this was the most comfortable :P
  12. fuzzysquirrel

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hey ho guys. I have a problem i hope you can help with:) The thing is, that i have a little one (1 weekd old) and everything is fine, but in 2 weeks, i've got to leave it alone for two whole weeks. can you guys suggest some cheap, diy, foolproof method to water my plant? My roommates are going...
  13. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    aw fuck i'm done with 3 of my exams i'm dead but i have a heartwarming thought: dwarf #2 has a seedling that's about 2" tall, strong green, looks healthy and promising. I call it Julia, predestining it to be a female:D Sunday when i get back to the dorm i'll share photos.
  14. fuzzysquirrel

    AG White Dwarf CFL GROW

    whoooohohoo man what good-looking oreganos and mints you have:D
  15. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    #2 already has a little seedling. high hopes:weed: i've just put some clay pellets in the pot because the soil dries out too soon. And i've made some pics too, but i can't find my transfer cable so i can't upload them yet :S
  16. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    dwarf #2 has fully sprouted. sown. dwarf#1 was dead from the beginning.
  17. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    dwarf no2 has already cracked open. tomorrow i'll sow her. dwarf no1. hasn't done a thing.
  18. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    my seed just won't sprout:( I've taken another one to germinate. i hope it will. this time i'll be patient.
  19. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    Haha, thanks! In my dorm room there are no unexpected controls or visitors, not even the cleaner, and with my roommates' support and promise of secrecy, i have nothing to worry about. And to top it, i have a pc-box grow, so the odds are not against me:) I'll post pics, yea, it's planned...
  20. fuzzysquirrel

    First White Dwarf PCBox Grow

    I've found a recipe for homemade bionutes. consists of grapefruit rinds, that contains potassium, coffee grinds for nitrogen, and eggshells for calcium. these are blended together and a tea is made. i'll try it i think, perhaps upgraded with a little green tea leftover or something.