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  1. Lithium

    I wanna check the legitimacy of two rc sites

    Anyone wanna pm me saying they'll help? Ones NMR and the others KRK if you can decipher that
  2. Lithium

    Thinking about flying to Colorado

    Anybody wanna meet and greet? Maybe blow some? Me and a friend are planning this trip with the goal of finding a serious connect, so any help with this hunt will be appreciated in a material way of ylu know what im saying
  3. Lithium

    Billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands free of laws

    This is actually completely plausible. If it wasnt it obviously wouldnt have investors spending millions on it already. Someone before answered most of the issues: Food would eventually be grown or caught nearby to efficiently feed the people living on the structure. Water can be taken from a...
  4. Lithium

    growing smell and spray

    Would a spray bottle of a product like ozium contain the smell of a couple plants?
  5. Lithium

    rc site checker

    What site can we post urls and see reviews for rc sellers? If this is prohibited please delete post. A pm is fine, thanks
  6. Lithium

    Cloud 9: High Quality Bath Salt; MDPV

    New product in town sold next to legal, called Cloud 9. Also labeled as a Bath Salt. Did a little research, supposedly its MDPV and some kind of anastetic(sp). 250 mg for 15$, not too bad. did an estimated 50-75mg last night, insufflated, and the stimulation was pretty insane, not much...
  7. Lithium

    Invisible Empire..........

    Besides the video posted by the OP, where can i read about this new world order? About to read the WIKI entry, not sure how much good that'll do though.
  8. Lithium

    A story ... for all my dearest friends ...

    People are the product of both their genes and environments. Cool concept though.
  9. Lithium

    What is realy lithium??

    yea you prolly shouldnt fuck with lithium. not recreational
  10. Lithium

    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    I was saying that i agree that adderoll is awesome, but i have never taken it with any type of opiate.
  11. Lithium

    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    I agree, never take with opiates though.
  12. Lithium

    What did i take? Effect Repot

    Yeh, it was from someone i knew pretty well. People im very close to have bought and tried his stuff also, so i knew it was atleast immediately safe, and decently potent.
  13. Lithium

    What did i take? Effect Repot

    I had an idea..
  14. Lithium

    The New Trendy Drug of the Future?

    Im deffinately interested in all of these combos. What about a MDAI/Amphetamine combo?
  15. Lithium

    What did i take? Effect Repot

    Ha i will deffinately try the tounge test next time i try it. I drank water the entire time, didnt each anything at all though. How does smoking marijuana play into all of this? I found that once the effects were gone, smoking brought them back to a certain extent.
  16. Lithium

    What did i take? Effect Repot

    I'm starting to think it was MDMA. It filled up half of the capsule, and as far as i can tell it was a 00. I guess i was just dissapointed because of the short time-span, thought methylone does seem viable. Very socially active when i was on it, lightheaded, euphoria, loving, emphathetic. Drank...
  17. Lithium

    What did i take? Effect Repot

    It was a lot of powder though, the powder was a big as probably 2 or 3 pressed regular ecstasy rolls. That leads me to believe that its not MDMA, because if it was i should have rolled harder. Mephedrone feels that clean?
  18. Lithium

    What did i take? Effect Repot

    Ok i injested a capsule full of whiteish powder. Effects felt similar to MDMA: Head rush Euphoria Increased social output It felt very good and very clean, no bad body feeling or anything. I did sleept for 14 hours after this, but i stayed up till 5 in the morning so not too unusual. The...
  19. Lithium

    Herbal Incenses Banned in Louisiana

    How will the new stuff get you high if cannabinoids are banned? It is pretty bad though, i live about 30 minutes from BR, and there's already a black market developing for the old legal substitues; K2 and Spice and the others. People will eventually begin to buy them off the internet, because...
  20. Lithium

    Are these shrooms?

    It's probably different in different states, but in louisiana aslong as you dont make too much noise and you go when its relatively dark you can search whatever field you like.