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  1. T

    Aquarium Stand Stealth Grow Ver. 3.0 *Northern Lights*

    Bad news... was out of town for two days so they didn't get watered and I was so busy I didn't water them for a day before I left so a few of the leaves wilted but they grew ALOT so it doesn't matter to much anyways...
  2. T

    Aquarium Stand Stealth Grow Ver. 3.0 *Northern Lights*

    I actually decided instead of doing 12/12 lighting starting now I will do 18/6 to get them used to a dark period for a couple of days and let them grow a bit larger.... I will also top them the day I switch to 12/12 I will also be feeding them about 1/8 strength nutes in the next couple of days...
  3. T

    Aquarium Stand Stealth Grow Ver. 3.0 *Northern Lights*

    Here is a pic of them barely 6 days in... tonight will be their first night of 12/12.
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    Aquarium Stand Stealth Grow Ver. 3.0 *Northern Lights*

    5 days from sprout and they are all about 2 inches tall and on their 3rd set of leaves.... never seen plants grow this fast from seed...
  5. T

    Aquarium Stand Stealth Grow Ver. 3.0 *Northern Lights*

    Plants are still doing great! This is my third grow and I don't think I have ever seen seedlings take off this fast... will switch to 12/12 probably in 5-8 days.
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    Aquarium Stand Stealth Grow Ver. 3.0 *Northern Lights*

    Thanks for the tips man... but all I do is peal back the tape to open it up once every 2 days... it takes me only like 30 seconds to do and I can re use the tape like 30 times... its just tucked away in the corner of my bedroom and no one would ever notice... not that big of a deal to be THAT...
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    Aquarium Stand Stealth Grow Ver. 3.0 *Northern Lights*

    Just so you guys know I am back in business with a WAY better grow this time!! Not sure if any of you remember but I had a northern lights grow awhile back but gave up... well one day I got bored and completely re-made my grow and its pretty fool-proof now!! Here are some pics of the cab and...
  8. T

    CFL super Buds thread!!!

    How did you get the light to not leak through by around the doors? I have a VERY similar grow and cant figure it out
  9. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Well its been like 6 or 7 days now of COMPLETE darkness for the plants and they are actually still growing and look 100% healthy... but I really have to decide what to do before these ones are dead as well.
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Not sure what I'm gonna do... a friend of mine just takes clones off of a few mothers he has and sells them... he puts out like 50 a month and makes some good coin so I might see if I can swing a deal with him my 3 plans for some bud or something... then he can use them as mothers... other than...
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    One last update.... Fuck it. Not to sure what Im gunna do now.. one of the plants was a hermie anyways.... but needless to say the stupid light Y splitters pissed me off enough that out they came with the power bar and all the mylar decided to come with it. :cuss: oh well it was a lost cause...
  12. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Finishing the entire grow under only 2 23 watt CFL bulbs because I cant get the rest of them to turn on. here is a pic... the 2 plants that actually get light are looking horrible... while the other 2 that get no light look healthier.. so I don't know how long this will last. I give up.
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    It was but it is becoming to big of a PITA because the plants are WAY to big for the cab... like I said the colas are constantly getting sucked into the fans because there isn't enough room and every time it happens the whole cola gets torn off.. happened about 3 or 4 times now so that's 4 big...
  14. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    as you guys can probably tell due to lack of updates I am starting to get quite discouraged from this grow. The cab is just to damn small.. my lights aren't working like I wanted... the Y splitters keep arching out so sometimes Ill open the cab and half the lights will have turned themselves off...
  15. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    All of the plants are budding now... i think one of them might be a hermie though.. but to hard to tell.. will post pics after taking some
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Well I got to thinking just now after smoking a few bong loads.. Yes I am an idiot. Tonight is going to be a full moon for these girls... because I am on night shift I have the lights set to come on at 8PM and go off at 8AM... I will reverse that so when I am at work when no lights are on it...
  17. T

    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    I am getting VERY worried that to much light is still getting in the fan ports at the back of the cab somehow... the buds all tucked away in the corners are fattening up... but none of the buds in the middle are at all... looks almost like its going back into veg on some branches
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    Just checked em after the lights turned on and I have some nice mini buds going on now.. they are actually building up a bit of mass and they are just covered in pistils
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    My second grow - Nirvana Northern Lights CFL

    yea.. you can see in the first pic the yellowing of the lower leaves but its to be expected when they are in the cab absolutely no light really gets down there because the plants have grown in to thick