Search results

  1. P

    Relative ease of growing mushrooms?

    To be honest, I have no idea why more people don't grow them either. I think the number one reason is the one you stated: about them being less popular. I think second to that is the fact that most guidelines say that you need a pressure cooker, and this likely deters many people who take the...
  2. P

    Question about mixing shrooms???

    Yeah, since they both contain the same active ingredients (psilocin and psilocybin) all that you'd be doing is adjusting the dosage in those two respects. You could get some weird effects mixing psilocybin mushrooms with amanita mushrooms since they contain different compounds and already have...
  3. P

    Shroom strain question.

    Amongst cubensis there is very little difference. I've only grown (and in fact eaten) three different cultures; one was cambodian, one was amazonian and the other I'm not completely sure on. From my opinion, the biggest difference is the growing characteristics, size, temperature threshold and...
  4. P

    Relative ease of growing mushrooms?

    I've grown both, and I can tell you that I definitely agree with what you mentioned here... Mushrooms are a LOT easier to grow/maintain, assuming you follow the proper protocol. The inoculation and incubation are the "hardest" parts, simply because you need to worry about contaminations. After...
  5. P

    Male opened in grow room

    I'd like to hear an answer to this as well, because I've never even heard this question asked before. I don't know, but my best bet would be that you would want to clean the walls and thoroughly vacuum to play it safe, because I would think pollen stays around and can be blown up into the air...
  6. P

    psilocybin injection?

    I would strongly advise against injecting ANY hallucinogen. The reason is because injection is basically the quickest delivery method to getting a substance into your blood stream - you do NOT want to do this with hallucinogens because you can quickly burn out your mind, and are far more likely...
  7. P


    It may be because I am becoming more overweight, that I have a really powerful mind, or simply that the mushrooms I've grown are not all that potent for me, but here is my experience with dosage. The first time I ever ate psilocybin mushrooms I ate 2 grams - it wasn't enough. It gave me...
  8. P

    howza boutza thisza?

    First of all, I appreciate the help I've been receiving so far from people when I ask a question about my plants - so thank you guys for helping novices like me out. ;) Anyhow, here is another plant problem I've been having. It effects old growth.. It literally came up in like one or two days...
  9. P

    International House of Guanos

    I ordered some Indonesian bat guano (it's like NKP: .5-12-.5), so this stuff is supposed to be good for flowering. I don't know how well it works cause I haven't tried it yet, but I can keep you posted!
  10. P

    1st Grow (lowryder)

    That sounds sufficient to me for a couple of plants. I know someone who is growing 2 plants with only two 40 watt fluorescents, and from the pics I've seen, they are even flowering surprisingly well under just those two, contrary to what a lot of people seem to think about fluorescents on here...
  11. P

    mold in soil!!! HELP !!!

    I've gotten help both times I posted a thread, and I think I owe this mostly in part to 1) being patient (expecting a quick answer within half an hour is a bit unrealistic) and 2) providing as much information as possible. Don't worry about not getting a quick answer in the first hour, because...
  12. P

    tripping for a weekend stright

    Yeah, there is a cross-tolerance between at least LSD, LSA and Psilocybin. So if you trip on LSD one day and take shrooms or LSA the next day, you need a lot more to feel the effects again. Personally, I don't like to trip that often because it loses its effect, not only in terms of potency...
  13. P

    amanita muscaria?

    Those don't look like amanita muscaria to me. I've bought and found aminata muscaria and they usually don't look quite like that. Granted the colors share some superficial similarities, there are too many differences in how these look to make me think they are amanita muscaria. And personally...
  14. P

    angel trumpets

    I personally have stayed away from it, and think it's best most people are cautious with it as well, because from what I've read the amount needed for a high is incredibly close to the lethal dose. If you are going to try it, I'd start with the minimum dose first and work your way up if you are...
  15. P

    Penis Shrooms

    Heard of Penis Envy as well, but never grown or eaten them. Would love to get a spore print / syringe, because I'd love to grow myself some perverted looking shrooms. Anyone know of a supplier of these spores?
  16. P

    Is this zinc deficiency?

    Wow.. you seem quite sure. :) I'm gonna check out the pics on potasium deficiency and look into this. I use some generic high in nitrogen fertilizer stuff.. cause well.. that's basically all you can get in this blasted country. I've ordered high in phosphorus bat guano for flowering, and I...
  17. P

    Is this zinc deficiency?

    Okay, well I had posted some pics and a thread for another one of my plants a week or two back. I suspected it was heat stress from being too close to the bulb, but the best advice I was given was that it looked like early signs of nutrient burn. That turned out to be incorrect, and more likely...
  18. P

    cacti trip reports

    I'd suggest for user-experiences... go here: Scroll down a bit and there is a group for "user experiences", which is also here: I couldn't tell you on dosage, since I've never...
  19. P


    The first times I shroomed were after many, many months (close to 6) without smoking pot, and it didn't have a negative impact at all. Many people shroom who don't even smoke pot, so it's not an issue. Having a bad trip doesn't come from external elements, but internal conflicts based upon your...
  20. P

    Will it be a disaster???

    Don't worry about it - if they didn't melt, they should be fine. It's best to put elevate them a bit (even if they can be above the water), but not absolutely necessary. My first attempt with rye also consisted of the jars being directly on the pressure cooker, and they still turned out just fine.