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  1. A

    What would you personally do?

    Sage advice. Very astute. Buy bullets and powder, too.
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    A Pro Palin thread

    Todd, her husband, the father of the child.Happens all the time.
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    OUR military power doesn't matter

    I am a deep and sorely conflicted man, can't you see? I sometimes don't know myself. There is a consistency in my stances and positions, although, I admit I sometimes see the apparent contradictions myself. That said I guess I play Devil's advocate a lot and debate an issue for the fun of it. I...
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    OUR military power doesn't matter

    I am apparently misinformed. Srory. My neglect. I certainly will look into this. That being said, Jeremy does seem to hang with the liberal crowd. Not that Blackwater is a necessarily good thing. I don't have strong feelings either way. I guess what I don't understand is that this is...
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    A Pro Palin thread

    Dude, are you relying on Rachel Madcow?:wall: You are just as dumb as a box of rocks. You and maybe three other people watch that inane nonsense. God, not Keith Olbermann next, please. <frantically searching for emoticon that portrays shooting oneself in the head...> PMSNBC has absolutely no...
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    Going Rogue, An American Life

    Just a guess. Damn do you fact check everybody? :?::bigjoint::lol::sleep:
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    Going Rogue, An American Life

    You are obviously not lying. Why would you lie? The main thing is that the opinions expressed here each and every one carry the same weight, and are just as valid. Typing in large font or using profanity does add credence to stated opinion. Facts remain the only real way to discern what is true...
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    Is Obama competent?

    In light of his groveling before all world leaders and apologizing for America's past, it should be no shock that he would assume the inferior position. He truly believes that all American history is proof positive that the USA is corrupt, inept, and just plain racist, and xenophobic. He alone...
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    OUR military power doesn't matter

    Forgive me, I still don't have control of this whole quote thing. I am confused about that foreignors fighting our wars. Are not Blackwaters operatives doing security work for contractors and such? They ride patrol and provide protection to the people who hired them. It is not clear to me that...
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    OUR military power doesn't matter

    Look for recalls on the Toyota Tundra. I think you will find that Toyota does indeed kill people in foreign countries. :bigjoint:
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    FYI: amicus brief in Chicago gun-ban case

    Obviously, we are just trying to be as smart as you, you fucking troll! Yet another identity crisis for Someone who wants to bolster our fanatical community? Begone accursed Troll!
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    Health Care Bill Moves Forward

    The cave I am in gets reports that the public is almost 80% against this monstrosity of an attack on our freedoms. With the potential to totally tank our economy, young, old, and all those between are seeing this for the money sucking bill that it is. Have you or anyone actually read this...
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    A Pro Palin thread

    How about the fact that she really wanted to be sure that we were on God's side? How about the fact that there is nothing to suggest that she is a young earth creationist, whatever that is. I happen to be a creationist. If you are talking about important scientific research like global...
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    No fillibuster for Repukes.Talks move forward

    BULLSHIT!!! The terrorist was created in the madrasa and mosques spread throughout the Middle East. The teachings are a form of Wahabism, and with the rise in Islam came the fundamentalists. These people are still pissed about the crusades, and still carry a grudge. If you were at all cognizant...
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    Happy Thanksgiving to the Politicos

    Sounds like a universal activity. Football, Buds, Buddies, and Tryptophan. Does it get any better? I don't think so.
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    No fillibuster for Repukes.Talks move forward

    Hope they don't do that to our troops? Come out of the clouds, Foggy. Our troops only wish they would be waterboarded instead of the usual physical dismemberment that these assholes do. Beheading or waterboarding? Gosh, I really gotta think for a minute about that one, Bunky..Long enough...I'll...
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    No fillibuster for Repukes.Talks move forward

    Out a CIA op? I f they were to be outed, they would have to be undercover, which Valerie was not. She had not been undercover in several years and was working in Langley for crying out loud. There was no secret to be revealed and the only guy to be prosecuted wa poor Skip, who took the axe, just...
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    Going Rogue, An American Life

    The man who looks behind a door has probably stood there himself. A short survey would reveal that approximately 87.3% of the liberal posts consist of the same ignorant prose they accuse Governor Palin of. I am reminded of nothing more than a group of monkeys at a local bar many years ago. They...
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    Going Rogue, An American Life

    Roger that, bro.:lol::clap:
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    A Pro Palin thread

    I guess I'll let that crack about inbreeding slide. <Shit, I gotta turn down my Oxy drip. I'm being too kind here.> We kind of don't take kindly to Outsiders shitting in our nest. We get more than our share of assholes, but they don't last long. But not being one to let little things like facts...