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  1. M

    Should i Harvest?

    i see i see.. ive always heard that waithing for the tricomes to turn amber on a sativa is not same as if the plant is indica.. by this i mean waiting too long on a sativa will degrade your smoke.. as when you wait on a indica.. amber trichomes give a body high.... im probly going to giv it...
  2. M

    Should i Harvest?

    Sorry:roll:bongsmilie:joint::eyesmoke::sleep: temps are 50's at nite
  3. M

    Should i Harvest?

    As i fucking said they are <milky... Damnkiss-ass
  4. M

    Should i Harvest?

    ARE MILKY some clear no amber.. i dont have a bionic eye .. only a crappy radioshack 60x microscope... what buds should i look at.. only the ones im picking ? should i wait til its all done or chop it all? im open to suggestion.. the strain is TGA Jack the ripper... its from clone.. topped...
  5. M

    Should i Harvest?

    additional pics:joint:
  6. M

    Should i Harvest?

    Do you thinki should cut it? Im thinking of cuttin off my colas and any formed buds.. leaving the others for 2more weeks while i finish my nute shhedual... i been flushing for a weeek with final flush..
  7. M

    Blueberry/Sour Diesel cross?

    blue dragon i believe
  8. M


    PURPLE BAGSEED Suger peak nutes with added epsom salt... ph solution to 6.5. Water every day as needed sometimes firtilizing every time. NO PPM,, I used to make my nutes in five gallon container but i do not anymore... i also aerate my water.. I have another plant Jack he ripper ythat was...
  9. M

    Brainstorm? Help?

    Is it absolutly insane to hope to get 2 lbs from 6 plants?
  10. M

    Cfl ?

    Ive got a 4x4 hydro hut...
  11. M

    Cfl ?

    Any recommendations on method for highest yeild... ive been considering DWC Bubbleponics SCROG? Would i be able to harvest the pounds ive been searching for with six plants?
  12. M

    Cfl ?

    wELL i am trying to decide what would be the best option for getting the most yeilded... Like i said i have a 4x4x7hydro hut... I am trying to pick between LED LIGHTS CFLS OR HID OR A POSSIBLE COMBiNATION? HELP>?
  13. M

    Cfl ?

    How many cfls would I have to put into a 4x4 hydro hut to grow six large plants , and get the maximum yeild?
  14. M

    So many choices... help?

    As a california medical patient under SB5420 i am Allowed six mature or 12 immature plants and 1/2 pound dried flower, I am trying to figure out a way to always have medicine and not have to rely on collectives, What methods? Would allow me to have about a pound a month? Could i do sea of...
  15. M

    this time a question with pictures

    I got a 6 plant MMJ Grow 1 healthy jack the ripper 1 healthy unknown purp 1 healthy sour grape clone 1 ok headband 1ok mazar sharif 1 ok sour grape Im thinking my issue is over firt... heat stress and possible overwatering.. ideas? Ive posted some pics...
  16. M

    So The ladys Are PISSED

    Well if the computer would work... lol:-? I got it.. apologys for the delay..
  17. M

    So The ladys Are PISSED

    I got a 6 plant MMJ Grow 1 healthy jack the ripper 1 healthy unknown purp 1 healthy sour grape clone 1 ok headband 1ok mazar sharif 1 ok sour grape Im thinking my issue is over firt... heat stress and possible overwatering.. ideas?
  18. M

    MMJ GROW Tips Please?

    BOONDABAH!!!!!!!!:hump: I got it..
  19. M

    MMJ GROW Tips Please?

    got it now for the rest..
  20. M

    MMJ GROW Tips Please?

    Current grow is ... Jack the ripper-Strong Purple plant-Strong, Burnt leaf edges sour grape-1 healthy 1 fair brown rust colored folar spot. headband more folar spot mazar sharif folar spot with possible overwatering Ive included pictures. Im using suger peak hydro fusion organic...