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  1. B

    Whats my problem? Is there any hope?

    appreciate the thoughts and ideas. will investigate 600w HPS for next crop. will cut back on nutrients, i agree that they may have been high.. if they do finish and mature, it will be a good harvest...
  2. B

    Whats my problem? Is there any hope?

    started from seeds a couple years ago. white queen is the name and its suppose to be an ind/stativ mix. it does say an 8 - 10 week flowering period on the packet. my space is in a 3x3x5 tool cabinet with T5 I have (4) 2' lamps total on two fixtures with all red tubes. using the base and...
  3. B

    Whats my problem? Is there any hope?

    These plants have been flowers for 5 weeks and no sign of thickening up into buds. Very new, only 3 past crops. Never seen this happen. Hydro with T5 lights. Any hope for smoke?
  4. B

    Welcome New Members!

    First post, working on my third crop. I have a 4'x4'x6' "tool" cabinet that my operation is housed in. Using ebb & flow, clay pellets as medium, started plants from seed but have been cloning on the 2nd and 3rd crop. Using Bontnicare 3 part and Kosmic Karma. Plants have gone from 2" to 24"...