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  1. Mr. BigStank

    Wtf ???

    Ok so its not my first time growing, my first plant was a male (i soo F******* mad that it was) so im growing another one but theres a weird problem, I potted the seed a while ago (estamate about 3weeks ago) it sprouted but it just wont grow the pot leaves wtf is goin on.
  2. Mr. BigStank

    Yes or No Stoners

    Im pretty sure its 50/50 but does anyone know a way to make sure your plant turns out to be a female.
  3. Mr. BigStank

    The Evil Male

    That is sooo gay i really hope its a female if its not im going to be sooo mad >:(
  4. Mr. BigStank

    The Evil Male

    I thank all of u who have helped with advice and i hope this plant grows nice, but there is one thing im scared of is that what happens if this plant is a male, what do i do with it becuase im not looking to cook with it, i just want to get fucking high off of it, but ppl hav told me they are...
  5. Mr. BigStank

    Another newbie Question

    Ok soo my plant is looking fantasic but can anybody tell when exactly the Veg-state ends and when the flowing begins. i know how many hours the flowering takes and i know how to determine a male from a female i just need to wen to exaclty start this phase begins
  6. Mr. BigStank

    Yup im the Newbie need advice

    1.Nice, well wen i re-pot what kind of soil do u suggest i use. 2. how will i actually know wen my plant is in its Veg-state and how many hours during the veg state should i leave my light on the plant -i know there plenty of threds that tell me how to this but it never hurt nobody to BE...
  7. Mr. BigStank

    Yup im the Newbie need advice

    Ok Ive seen many grow rooms and honestly i think mine is perfect heres what i have. (my sprout just popped out) 1. Good lighting (floursent bulbs also my light is 3 inches away from my plant) 2. good soil ( mericle grow) 3. Water ( distilled) 4. aluminum foil to reflect light 5. Great...