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  1. U

    Help needed urgently

    you dont start giving bio bloom until 2 weeks into flower the grow continues into flowering
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    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    man u need to try paradise seeds sensi star wwith a nice cup of tea and your favorite pink floyd record on its thebest!!!!!!!!!!!!! been growing and smokin the star for a while and ave been to the dam twice and smoked at least 40 kinds of weed the star buy far icked all there asses
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    end of the line!

    was using bio bizz soil in 11 litre square pots had one star in a aqua farm and the tree is in a 40 litre bin there were 30 in total grown under 4 lights 1 400w and 2 6oow the veg stage i used metal halide bulbs the veg atsge i kept for two months nearly then triggerd 12/12 and used the sodium...
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    end of the line!

    thats me nearing hte end of my 4 month long rainforestgrow lol had a few minor probs but nothing to fucked up just brought down 3 lovely ak47 ladies they were about 5ft so a good couple of ounce per plant there in the next few days the infamous sensi star will become the next to the pruners then...
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    Indica plants turning sativa

    they are clones i have only 6 whidow from seed and none of them hae changed just my clones !
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    Indica plants turning sativa

    i am flowering at the moment am about three weeks in and 25 of my star have started thinning out at the top(leaves) a do know that sensi star has some sativa genes but i have grown this strain for two years and this is my first encounter of what looks like sativa style leaves a was just...
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    Indica plants turning sativa

    my sensi star indica plants have began to turn saiva can u help
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    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    sensi star done right is the finest smoke out!!!