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  1. M

    Male or Hermaphrodite?

    Thanks a lot this is exactly what I was looking to know. Gonna cut them down now. It's strongly looking like my first grow may be 100% male :(
  2. M

    Woo Hoo. Iam stoned!

    congrats man, enjoy it! I'll bet it is very cool to smoke some herb that you have personally watched grow from day 1. Makes you rethink every bag of seedy steamed weed you've ever bought I bet :P If all goes well I will be there myself soon.
  3. M

    Male or Hermaphrodite?

    better pictures:
  4. M

    Male or Hermaphrodite?

    I currently have 4 plants, all gown from bagseed. I've been flowering for about a week now. This is my first grow, and I am very proud of myself for how well I have done so far. All of the plants are vibrant and healthy and the LST on them has turned out very well. Now, however I am becoming...
  5. M

    The 3 in a bed thread :-)

    Can You post a pic of the light setup you have in that cabinet? I really like your style, growing small amounts when needed with 12/12. The great thing is how stealth you can keep that cabinet with the LST plants and quick harvest. I'm going to watch this one!
  6. M

    Mirrors in grow box?

    This is one of those things that seems like such a good idea, there has to be something wrong with it or everyone would be doing it :) I have access to a bunch of mirrors and since I am preparing for a first time small grow It'd be easy to line a couple sides of my grow area in mirrors. I did...
  7. M

    cfl vs floro tubes?

    Ive done a lot of reading here to prepare for my small first time grow. In regards to lighting, I decided to go floro. My rationale is that while I understand HPS is superior, it is also more expensive, requires more equipment and produces more heat. For a small first time grow in a small...
  8. M

    Newbie making lighting decisions

    Ive done a lot of reading here to prepare for my small first time grow. In regards to lighting, I decided to go floro. My rationale is that while I understand HPS is superior, it is also more expensive, requires more equipment and produces more heat. For a small first time grow in a small...
  9. M

    First attempt - is this soil acceptable?

    Hey thanks for the reply apprentice420. Your posts in one of the first beginner threads that lead me here gave me a lot of useful information. What I am gathering is that the MG will/can work, but for max results there are better options. If this is the case I am ok with sticking with this...
  10. M

    First attempt - is this soil acceptable?

    Thanks for the fast reply Shotty! People here are so helpful, must be our common interest :D So its a bit too late for the first 3 seedlings, but not for the next 3! However, as this is a first attempt I want to keep it very small. As a result I'm not going to be ordering anything and will...
  11. M

    First attempt - is this soil acceptable?

    I've been doing a good deal of reading up to prepare for a very small first attempt. This site has been a great resource. However, I am still a little confused by soils and nutrients. I originally picked up a fairly generic bag of soil. I have started 3 seedlings and I have a few more seeds...