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    Slow growing

    Hey all, I am kind of new to growing but since I am growing outdoors I figured I would post here. I have 3 plants and have treated them the exact same throughout all of their lives. But for some reason one of my plants is growing fine and the other two are stunted. I got the seeds off a friend...
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    Outdoor Nutrient Burn

    I know the common way to fix nutrient burn is to flush the pot with water but my girls are growing directly from the ground. Do I do the same deal and if so how much water?
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    Plant started producing single leaves?

    Idk I only got 3 plants but its my best one. To be honest I pretty much got the seeds, germinated them, then kept transferring them to bigger pots until finally putting em in the ground. My other two seem to have stopped growing at about 7 inches and I was hoping the nutrients would fix that but...
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    Plant started producing single leaves?

    I was just wondering what might cause this. The plant in question was growing fine until I used nutrients, then it started producing single leaves instead of fans. The plant is about 10 inches high and of unknown strain(first time growing). I have been growing them outside and have not used...
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    Bunch of 1st Grow Questions

    Ok so I got some seeds from a friend and wanted to try growing. So I germinated and found some potting soil in my shed before putting em in pots. They have been "growing" for about 2-3 months outdoors but I have seen very little progress. As of now 3 plants have survived(had four but it was a...
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    Not alot of buds(?)

    I have seen a couple of black aphids but could a couple of them rape a whole couple leaves?
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    Not alot of buds(?)

    Whew thanks, I thought I had screwed up really bad somehow. also one of my plants has a bunch of holes in its leaves. As if little bits of the plant caught on fire. I read that it might have something to do with nitrogen(??). But since I grew all 3 of my plants the same that doesn't make sense...
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    Not alot of buds(?)

    Hey ime pretty new to this whole growing thing so I figured id post here. I got some seeds from a friend a couple months ago and pretty much just jumped into growing. I have read most of the beginners guide things and saw a lot of videos on growing so it worked pretty well for a bit. I was...