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  1. M

    quick dry to sample bud

    The problem with freezing is moisture, if frozen moist the water freezes and destroys the medicine. so place equal amount of dried ice in with MMJ and place in a jar then in the freezer. The dry ice will pull the moisture out of the MMJ and replace the air with carbon dioxide. Dry ice is a...
  2. M

    Revegging Clone help

    I couldn't find any good info specifically to clones being re vegged after 3 weeks of flower. The most promising info i found was put them under 24/7 for 2 weeks they will turn really yellow if they make it and root and grow past the flower, vegging out that they will be fine and could possibly...
  3. M

    Revegging Clone help

    Yes currently I have them under 24/7 two 5ft 45 watt CFL 's one cool white one bright white. I see where the stems on the side are red but the main stalks are deep purple. I guess it could be a deep deep red. I really didn't want these but I'am a new medical M patient :joint: and this is all...
  4. M

    Revegging Clone help

    These clones came from a bubblegum mother 3 weeks into flower. They have been in the rock wool 7 days in a dome 75-80 degrees 65 -85 percent humidity. sprayed with distilled water super thrive and jump start every day. Watered with the JT and ST AN sensi 2 part senzyme f-1 and aquashield. ph...
  5. M

    Microbial Rhizosphere Colonization

    Thanks for the response.. any specific bioavailable enzymes that can promote growth and or fruiting.... when you say Sterile Environment meaning cleaning reservoirs, medium, trays etc or water ie reverse osmosis water.... Is it true that reverse osmosis water helps plants uptake nutes more...
  6. M

    Microbial Rhizosphere Colonization

    I was wondering if anyone knows if compressed clay " hydroton " would give the attachment needed for Microbial Rhizosphere Colonization.