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  1. smokinrav

    All Along The Watchtower by many varied artists

  2. smokinrav

    Isle of man TT

    Absolutely breathtaking
  3. smokinrav

    California to use Texas abortion decision to ban assault weapons
  4. smokinrav

    Oh good, future Skynet has begun with General Dynamics lil dog robot
  5. smokinrav

    Remember the naked baby on the cover of Nirvana's Nevermind? He's suing the band

    I guess the girl from Houses of the Holy is next?
  6. smokinrav

    My girlfriend hates Metallica.

    Sigh... Whiplash is like my personal touchstone. How do I get her to thrash?
  7. smokinrav

    Exxon executive thinks he's talking to a colleague. He's not.
  8. smokinrav tricks NRA board member into giving a speech.... front of 3044 empty white chairs. That's how many children killed by guns over the years would have graduated with the class of 2021. (they told him he was doing a rehearsal and sound check)
  9. smokinrav

    GM considering dropping pot testing to attract workers

    Another brick from the wall going down? Sorry not medical news.
  10. smokinrav

    Its time for Biden to shut NATOs doors
  11. smokinrav

    Ozzy discusses Randy Rhoads HOF nomination

    Made me cry a bit....
  12. smokinrav

    Lewis Hamilton to join MJ in NASCAR

    My mind is blown
  13. smokinrav

    Fox cancels Lou Dobbs, its highest rated show, because, you know....
  14. smokinrav

    Ok, time to end the party. What to do about the filibuster?

    McConnell wants to make an "arrangement" to keep the procedure intact, suddenly becoming a scion of the Senate, a body of comity, respecting others viewpoints as valid. Sigh.....
  15. smokinrav

    And you thought the regular 'ole flat earther was dumb...

    BGR: Flat Earthers tried to sail to the edge of the world… and you can totally guess how it went.
  16. smokinrav

    Congressman elect Luke Letlow of La. dies of CV 19 in just 10 days

    Sad, he had a wife and two kids. One of the first 40 year olds to die in La. Here is a list of other politicians at the state level across the nation. Notice anything? From NYT "According to Ballotopedia, Mr. Letlow is the first elected federal official to die from Covid; the first member of...
  17. smokinrav

    How state marijuana legalization has led to corruption

    Even includes bits about Rudy Guiliani "investigation" into Ukraine!
  18. smokinrav

    Fired Florida covid scientist has home raided by state police. They point guns at her kids

  19. smokinrav

    SNL: The Christmas Conversation
