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  1. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    I topped her at the 4th node and veg her with a 400w MH. Grown In aeroponics. Veg for 4-5 weeks. I also use Superthrive, 1 drop per gallon. Used GH nutrients. Flowering 400w HPS RandyRocket = 5.2 oz twnty8gramz = 4.0 oz reloadagain = 2.4 oz ROBINBANKS = 14.0 oz...
  2. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    runner up UPDATE RandyRocket = 5.2 oz twnty8gramz = 4.0 oz reloadagain = 2.4 oz ROBINBANKS = 14.0oz mattso101 = 6.3 oz
  3. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    Most of everything I did to it is in my videos
  4. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    The runner up's: RandyRocket = 5.2 oz twnty8gramz = 4.0 oz reloadagain = 2.4 oz ROBINBANKS = 14.0oz or 4.0 oz? mattso101 = 6.3 oz
  5. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    Its White Berry
  6. SOGrowing

    newb here with a Question

    Everytime I see FilthyFletch make a post I have to ask is that you Pic or just a pic you got of the net? Them boobs are HOT mmmm
  7. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    Check this video out.
  8. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    4oz? My guess is 5oz
  9. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    All health? Its One plant lol
  10. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    Thanks I'll make a new name youtube through that site.
  11. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    I Have a prize. I was thinking 5 free Feminized seeds of your choice. But, then I'll need a shipping address and I think that would be a bad Idea. Any Ideas? :joint: :peace:
  12. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    Yea thinking the same thing. I'll take it down. I was iffy on that too. Thanks :-) P.S is there a place I can post videos with out fear of gov?
  13. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    LOL yea maybe :hump:
  14. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    LOL WOW. Thanks twnty8gramz
  15. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    Thanks for the reply, I'll be posting the results in 4 weeks or so. :joint:
  16. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    If you don't want to participate in this thread then please don't post
  17. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

  18. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    Yes thats correct total of 9 week for this strain.:peace:
  19. SOGrowing

    Guess My yield

    To get a better Idea, Look at my grow videos at : The Strain is White Berry Its at 4 1/2 week of flowering In aeroponics Using GH nuts 400Watt hps on just this plant This is my first grow. Leave you comments
  20. SOGrowing

    Yellowing Leaves Day 6 Flowering (VIDEO-PICS)

    I redid my system to blooming nute GH. I moved it to my aerosystem. Heres a updated pic of the same part on the plant. I think she's doing much better now. Although I prefer a second opinion so please leave your comments. Here's a picture of the bud site, hopefully it's developing well...