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  1. M

    4000W Medicial Purple Kush 256 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG Grow

    rbah...mad props, enjoyed reading and watching this unfold very much, very informative, thanks bro. I started a DWC grow a year or so ago (even started a grow journal here on RIU) but was unable to follow it through to the end, I know Im a wuss. Now that I made the move from east coast back to...
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    New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

    Bravo...Great job, looking forward to this, would b interested to see how that aero turns out for you, u use one b4? was thinking about getting a ebb and gro system so would love to know what u think about your grow system? Wishing you many great successes!
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    Plant Growth

    I used to be overzealous, overwatering from sprout, kept everything too moist and my seedlings took a long time to get going. Maybe u need to let things dry a bit more so the seedlings gotta do some work and look for water, so they will get a root system started underneath and then get bigger...
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    Anyone use the "Ebb & Gro" system? Thoughts?

    i think i am going to try one of these, one question to those with experience, with the rez that comes with the ebb + gro is that only suitable for the 12 pots that come with the set up or would that rez be good for 24 or even up to 48 like the system says it can go up to. Think I wanna really...
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    4 plants flowering over 100 colas!!!

    Awesome brotha, great yield and thanks for the read.
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    4 plants flowering over 100 colas!!!

    Yo S. Very very good grow. Like I had said earlier you have twisted my arm to start growing and using DWC again after following this thread. Also thanks for being so forth coming and putting a whole lot of time and effort into this thread, very cool of you, it was much appreciated, you passed on...
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    4 plants flowering over 100 colas!!!

    love it, nice journal
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    4 plants flowering over 100 colas!!!

    Yeh man, me want me some white rhino
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    4 plants flowering over 100 colas!!!

    Just saying hi, nice work, we're all here still watching. That white rhino looks good to grow, hope that smoke hits hard, is it known as a heavy yielder?
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    4 plants flowering over 100 colas!!!

    Hey S - is that 8" diameter? Ok so your water level is up quite high, good to know how your doing it. Did you sit the rockwool high in the net pot or deep into the hydroton? Just wondering cause most info says to have a decent amount of root length out of the water to just absorb the oxygen...
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    4 plants flowering over 100 colas!!!

    How many inches do you keep water level under your net pot, was wondering if a lot of air space between water and pot works better. What size net pot did you use by the way? I am gonna do DWC again for sure. Thanks.
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    4 plants flowering over 100 colas!!!

    Hey snutter, nice work. I was doing a DWC for my first grow and had to end it unfortunately before I even switched to 12/12, the growth can be amazing. My question is how are you changing the water, do you use a pump, lift out the plant, was wondering cause my only issue with DWC was making...
  13. M

    how much lighting, space and plants would be needed to harv+est 10 lbs

    Would that size of venture be considered very big? What sort of manpower is needed with that?
  14. M

    PurpleDiesel heritage?

    Just had last night. Thought it was fantastic. Had not yet found any great sativa highs but this was superb, didnt leave you missing any kind of good body feeling like a lot of the others do. Is it considered a mid grade? And what is its genetic heritage. Good smoke report right here!
  15. M

    blue mystic 600watt hps yield guess w/ pics

    Very nice! An update on dry weight would be lovely, Again, very nice.
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    Selling To Dispensaries In Colorado

    Is there any legal paperwork needed between a care giver and their patients or is it OK to just hold their med card/paperwork at the garden? Wondering how involved it was?
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    I want to become a licensed grower/vender

    I was looking at the oaksterdam courses at their satelite school in LA. No doubt it would be cool to take their courses even on a social/networking level. I think best way to do what you were talking about is learn how to do things by having a mentor close by that you can learn from who is...
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    I want to become a licensed grower/vender

    So a collective is a garden comprisisng of a number of growers, up to a maximum of 4 people in CA, am I correct? and this is the only real way and legal way to be able to grow larger amounts and if you wanted to produce even higher numbers you would work out how to manage multiple collectives...
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    I want to become a licensed grower/vender

    Scubasteve I wanna head in the same direction and would love to know more about legal aspects, I just moved here to CA a few weeks ago so that was a good start. PM me anytime lets stay in touch
  20. M

    Is This BS...

    CA sorry forget anywhere else exists outside my 20 mile radius