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  1. M

    Drooping Leaves in Hydroponic System

    It's alright it's good to exercise your brain so you don't forget.
  2. M

    Drooping Leaves in Hydroponic System

    Can I suggest you use half of recommended amounts of nutes for the amount of gallons your system is and then add back to get you up to your target in hydro less is better. I use current culture and I run half recipe and then add back to reach my target of what they say optimum ppms ec and tds...
  3. M

    Drooping Leaves in Hydroponic System

    Like your ppms are way too high
  4. M

    Drooping Leaves in Hydroponic System

    Looks like you have nute burn what's your ppms compared to what is recommended with your nute regimine. They also droop a couple hours before lights go.out.