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  1. D

    Is it close?

    Some evening pics
  2. D

    Is it close?

    Just finishing week 12 and still feeding. Maybe too much given the red tips on the leaves. Is it looking close to harvest time? It's an outdoor sativa in Australia in mid autumn.
  3. D

    Are these seed clusters in my bud?

    Hey everyone. Just looking to find out if these are seeds growing inside my buds. Its an outdoor hermie just starting week 12 of flowering. I've included some pics of the whole buds, do they look close to harvest? Im a first time grower. Thanks for any help
  4. D

    New grower - need some tips

    What does naked girl mean man? I'm new to growing as I've said so I know feck all about growing lingo haha
  5. D

    New grower

    Hey everyone, new member here and a first time grower. I have a ten week sativa outside and just wondering how close it looks to harvest? I've stopped feeding as of last Saturday and actively flushing based on a twelve week expectation but I feel like I'm a bit away from that. What do you...
  6. D

    New grower - need some tips

    Hey everyone, new member here and a first time grower. I have a ten week sativa outside and just wondering how close it looks to harvest? I've stopped feeding as of last Saturday and actively flushing based on a twelve week expectation but I feel like I'm a bit away from that. What do you...