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  1. hydroponichygene

    Harvest SOON! What do you think??

    get a magnifying glass and check the trichs on the bud,and take some better pics in the sun light for us
  2. hydroponichygene

    ERGENT!! people leaving field near my grow

    should just shot 'em and used 'em fer fertilizer lol
  3. hydroponichygene

    OUTDOOR: best plant additives

    you'd actually be suprised ,all the things he mentioned are naturall components that in nature would naturally be absorbed into the dirt. plus theres no man made chemicals or additives if its all organic . which no matter how much you use in your mixture it will never burn your plants or lock up...
  4. hydroponichygene

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    i live in between chicago and milwaukee ,and around here shits usually the same. like i know this mexican dude that can get me a pound of some dirt for like 500 from mexico (but i dont fuks wit it),then theres the liftime dealers who pretty much keep anything from dirt to high quality regs(dirt...
  5. hydroponichygene

    4 Diff. AUTOS in a "VERTICLE" Perpetual/Stagger crop A.K.A. AUTOBOTS, TRANSFORM!!

    wow nice fuckin setup man definatley subscribed to this one,pick any strain yet? i'd go for a lowryder strain but thats just my opinion
  6. hydroponichygene

    Homemade Stealth Cabinet- Lots of pics!

    wow man looks like you put some time and money into this one , can't wait to see what comes out of it.any thought on a strain?? subscribed :)
  7. hydroponichygene

    A Complete Pictorial & Editorial Shroom Grow!

    spores contain no psychoactives so no they aren't illegal. i bought mine from i think it was. the prints looked allright but never got to do it yet
  8. hydroponichygene

    First grow, your input needed

    the good plant is definatly a classic sativa so it will most likly grow pretty tall if in good conditions,me personally i would just top the good plant and just keep up on the other plant sometimes they come throgh in the end. or just plant some more
  9. hydroponichygene

    First Grow- Kali Mist+.. Check it..Peace.

    nice little set up you got there.but i would take down that mylar its been proven that reflective white gives off more light,but to tell you the truth i think cfls are very good for begging plants(speaking from experience)i had a bunch of plants sprouted in some organic dirt and watered with...
  10. hydroponichygene

    Kush's First grow Adventure(pics)

    i would say plant number 2 and 5 look like they have the most promise 4 looks pretty good to ,i would just git rid of the other two that are messeed point in trying to grow messed up plants,but the three leaf thing is usually because of stress on the plant.the healthy ones look like their...
  11. hydroponichygene

    Kush's First grow Adventure(pics)

    i would say let them grow about 2 more sets of full leaves,then top the new ones coming in.when you do this you stop the main stem from growing ,but two branches will shoot out under neath the arm pit of the closest set of branches ....lets see if i can't find a video to help you out...
  12. hydroponichygene

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    nice set up looking pretty dam good man!
  13. hydroponichygene

    The Vertical Greenhouse! (Outdoor + 600 Watt hps!)

    with that set up i wouldn't be supprised if 2oz. was a minumum per plant. with tha vigours growth and extra light you should get some little top heavy if you went with hydro ,can you say one hitter quiter?? my own experience sun light makes plants have a completly different...
  14. hydroponichygene

    Kush's First grow Adventure(pics)

    eggshells?? never herd of that,but i would think that it would take a while to break down eggshells,but if your going to add fish you need to put it towards the bottom of your planting spot and let it sit for about a week before you pot so it can break down properly.otherwise it would just be a...
  15. hydroponichygene

    LSD inspired Art 2

    thats some crazy shit man i love that trippy abstract art,i used to draw shit like that and i've never even done acid. but i would love to try it,the only thing is the people i know that do it are so wacked out i dont even like talking to them,but then again the shit never comes around wisconsin...
  16. hydroponichygene


    i herd it grows all over the sw deserts,and thats basically the only place in the us that can support it,because it is in fact a cactus that only grows about 5 to 8 inhches tall.but i've read about people that can find it in the desert you just have to know the right spots to search i
  17. hydroponichygene

    shrooming event with chimps

    wow man you mus of had some really good shrooms or you took a lot, cus when i tripped before i took an eigth and my senses went crazy i could smell everything around me colors seem to be really flambouyant and vibrant ,almost neon like.i did see soem color changes ,and for a while i thought i...
  18. hydroponichygene

    Antidepressents Extace and MJ

    yea if it aint prescribed to you it could fuck your mental health up in the long run
  19. hydroponichygene

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    thats a lot of plants ..... u mst smoke a boat load lol