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  1. S

    How much soil

    So if I got 18 seeds how many bags do you think I'd need
  2. S

    How much soil

    I dont plan on putting them in pots, I just wanted to do an open field kinda thing..
  3. S

    How much soil

    Hey everyone, how much soil would I need for 18 seeds might be doing outdoor, but I want to do use foxfarm soil any other recommendations?? Thanks
  4. S

    Help I think I messed up?

    This is my butter idk what I did wrong it's not turning into butter like I remember it should.i seen a post where I can put it in the freezer??
  5. S

    Help I think I messed up?

    So I think I added to much water in the pot, but I strained it had to throw it in bowls and left it in the fridge it's still wattery what do I do? ( It's been refrigerating for 8 hours) any ideas ??? Thank u