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  1. O

    Welcome New Members!

    @Shizrock so I gave some to one of my friends to smoke some. He says it's really harsh. The leaves and buds still look green so I'm guessing some chrorophyll has been trapped. Is there a way to remove the chlorophyll or is my stash a waste? Also can I make hash out of it to salvage some of it...
  2. O

    Welcome New Members!

    Got it. Thank you.
  3. O

    Welcome New Members!

    Wow, the buds look beautiful. You must be really proud. The stash I have is dry. But I think I speed dried it. So the leaves became brittle and the chlorophyll is trapped in. But since putting in the jar some of the moisture has returned. So it's just slightly damp. I think I'll give it a smoke...
  4. O

    Welcome New Members!

    Awesome, thanks for the help. Guess I'll wait for them to cure a bit. Also does the grass smell go away with curing or is there another way to get rid of it. Also, since it's pollinated should I even be curing it? Sorry, but I only know how to roll good slims. Completely incompetent with the...
  5. O

    Welcome New Members!

    Thank you @Shizrock Oh, it has seeds, a lot of seeds in fact. The reason I plucked these was is the trichomes on the leaves. I think it's been pollinated. Would it still be ok to smoke though? And I've been cutting it for about three days and the jar smells like fresh cut grass. It's that normal?
  6. O

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm sorry I scoured the net for answers but cant seem to decide if this is a male plant, a female or a Hermie. My friend a novice himself let me pluck some of his crop. He's been growing it outside don't know why. I'm past the drying process and into curing I just want to know if it is even...
  7. O

    101 Already Asked Questions

    Another already asked question. I'm sorry I scoured the net for answers but cint seem to decide if this is a male plant, a female or a Hermie. My friend a novice himself let me pluck some of his crop. He's been growing it outside of don't know why. I'm past the drying process and into curing I...