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  1. G


    Does the upper leaf look deficient compared to the lower one? Same plant, but some of the leaves seem to start changing a bit.
  2. G


    Does the upper leaf look deficient compared to the lower one? Same plant, but some of the leaves seem to start changing a bit.
  3. G

    Discoloring of leaf on clone

    Thanks :)
  4. G

    Discoloring of leaf on clone

    Hey guys, I got new clones 10 days ago and they are growing nicely, however one of them has a leaf that is slightly discolored. Wondering if this is an early sign of some kind if problem, possibly stemming from the mother plant? Conditions and soil are close to perfect right now and they are all...
  5. G

    Boveda 58 or 62 for curing

    Most of the posts about drying and curing state dry room humidity in the 50s. Either way, mine were higher than that anyway
  6. G

    Boveda 58 or 62 for curing

    So use 58 or 62?
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    Boveda 58 or 62 for curing

    I actually did. I had them hanging in my tent with my inline fan on. Couldn't get humidity down from 67% the first couple of days, after a week (7 days), it's down to 60. Read that it should be in the 50s for the week of drying, so I was actually worried that it was too wet in there...
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    Boveda 58 or 62 for curing

    I live in LA. A little closer to the water than inland... current room humidity is 62%
  9. G

    Boveda 58 or 62 for curing

    I've just trimmed my first 2 plants last night and stored them in jars after drying on hangers for a week. I have mini thermometers that I put in the jars, so i checked in the morning and humidity is at 57%. So regarding Boveda, I read that the perfect humidity for curing is 60-65%, but since...
  10. G

    Week 6 flower: rusting, brown, and yellow leaves that are drying

    I have not measured with a laser thermometer, but i do suspect it being temperature. Will try this next time:
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    Week 6 flower: rusting, brown, and yellow leaves that are drying

    I have some at the top too, but I'm not gonna worry too much like you said :) Thanks
  12. G

    Week 6 flower: rusting, brown, and yellow leaves that are drying

    Ok, so this is normal. Just keep doing what I have been doing? Should I cut some of the dried up leaves?
  13. G

    Week 6 flower: rusting, brown, and yellow leaves that are drying

    Hello, Should I be worried about the color of my leaves? This is week 6 of flower. I think it's a bit hot in there (86 degrees), that's all I can think of. Been feeding with fox farm trio, less than suggested. I water every day (1 gallon water for 4 plants, all in 5 gallon pot). Any thoughts...
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    Monster Cropping

    Nice. I'm not that advance yet (first time :)) I did think about trying to take them on the last day of veg next time and maybe try to keep cutting them back if they grow too fast. I would keep them under a T5 fluorescent light for 2 months... Thoughts?
  15. G

    Monster Cropping

    What do you do with your clones for 2 months if you take them at the end of veg? Or do you have 2 tents?
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    Monster Cropping

    Yea, well i wont need them for about another month. Hence the timing. I took 6, if half of them make it, that's all I need because i want to also buy 1 or 2 new clones.
  17. G

    Monster Cropping

    Thanks for the reply. I've opted for this method because I wanted my current grow to finish and come out of my tent before the clones are ready. Taking them while the plant is still vegging would have left me with 2 months of not knowing what to do with the clones.
  18. G

    Monster Cropping

    Quick question. When taking cuttings from a flowering plant, should you leave or cut off the top bud? Most sources say leave it and it will just kind of separate, but I've also seen people cut if off along with the smaller buds on the sides.
  19. G

    Light burn?

    My banana og plant got really pale over the past 10 days. It was at 11 inches to light for a while, I now bent it and put the light higher to 15 inches but I cant go any further. I skipped the Tiger Bloom feeding this week for the banana OG to see if it had anything to do with nutrients. Leaves...
  20. G

    Gelato Week 1 Flower

    Hmm, I have just recently moved that one to the front bc it was in the back and the one that was in the front was getting too big and I couldn't reach the small one anymore. I will look into that possibility though. Thanks