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  1. G

    Nute burn or deficiency

    Thanks for the detailed answer. I'll go 1 by 1: 1. always put half a tsp ph down per gallon to get ph around 6.3, sometimes it stays around 6.5 but I dont want to use too much ph down cause it quickly jumps below 6 if I add more at that point for some reason. 2. Usually 1 gallon every day for 6...
  2. G

    Best nutes discussion

    What do you like about those nutes in particular?
  3. G

    Best nutes discussion

    Hey guys, been doing a lot of reading. I want to get new nutrients for my next grow. Been using the fox farm trio and been getting good results but I feel like they burn my plants (pic) even though I'm using way less than recommended. It's also not completely organic and I'm thinking about maybe...
  4. G

    Nute burn or deficiency

    Are these deficient or nute burnt? 2 weeks into flower and some of the girls are starting to yellow, some have some brown spots. Using fox farm nutrients but way less than recommended cause I noticed plants burning previously after application. When I switched to flower I gave 1 tsp grow big to...
  5. G

    How to achieve higher yield

    Yea, I live in california and the legal limit is 6 and I kind of want to stick to that (paranoia lol). I could really fill the 4x4 area out with 9 instead of six. Was trying to let the current ones grow big but they just grew bushy and after almost 3 months of vegging, I didn't want to wait any...
  6. G

    How to achieve higher yield

    Wow, your setup is next level. Also really impressed by your scrog method. The net is so low. Will try that maybe next time. You kind if need automated watering, I imagine reaching the back would be difficult. Unless you can get there from the sides.
  7. G

    How to achieve higher yield

    Pic of last grow before harvest in 3x3 and current grow after 1 week of flower. I used clones last round, they were longer after only 5 weeks of vegging. Current grow is from seeds. They are shorter and bushier but after almost 3 months, I didn't want to wait any longer before switching to flower.
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    How to achieve higher yield

    Thanks for your kind words! Lol. What light do you suggest and what are your coco tips?
  9. G

    How to achieve higher yield

    Hey guys, I'm on my third grow and just upgraded to 4x4 from 3x3. I was really happy with my last round (4 plants, 240 grams), but reading some of the posts, it seems like I should be aiming for like a pound moving forward. I'm going to list my equipment, nutes, soil, and you guys tell me what...
  10. G

    Going organic: What soil, earth juice lineup, gaya green

    I've been using the foxfarm nutes trio as well as their soil for all my grows so far, but started looking into different options ( out of curiosity and i think earth juice is what I want to try next...
  11. G

    Switch to flower or wait? / spray insecticide?

    The seeds are all feminized, so the only explanation for that weird one is that its an autoflower even though it's not supposed to be one. Also, the 3 finger leaves indicate it may just be some kind of defect I think. Well, I'll see how it progresses. So you would let them grow more?
  12. G

    Switch to flower or wait? / spray insecticide?

    Hey guys, got these 6 ladies in my new 4x4 (upgraded from 3x3) tent and wondering when I should switch to flower. I grew these from seed, put them in the ground on 10/6 and they are my first grow from seed. My previous grow were clones and after vegging for 5 weeks, they filled out the smaller...
  13. G

    Chemdawg and Crit Purple questions

    Nice, thanks for reply. I'm feeding vegetative nutes now, so not sure why they would be deficient. Ph is around 6.3 always. Maybe I'll try Epsom salt and egg shells at some point. Do you have pics of yours?
  14. G

    Chemdawg and Crit Purple questions

    Hey guys, I started 6 plants from seeds about a month and a half ago. Fox farm happy Frog soil and just started feeding Fox Farm Big Grow this week (3 weeks after transplant to 1 gallons). Going to transplant them to 5 gallons soon, but I have to wait for smoke detector and carbon...
  15. G

    Kief question

    What's the purpose of turning/pressing kief into hash? Cant I just sprinkle it into stuff in its original form? Does the potency change during the pressing/heating process?
  16. G

    Wedding Cake, harvest or wait

    The wedding cake one has white hairs and no leaves, all the other ones have leaves but also mostly brown hairs already... Renfro, I added pics of the other ones above
  17. G

    Wedding Cake, harvest or wait

    Fox farm big Bloom and tiger Bloom once a week each during ripening. Same as the other 3 which didnt really have the leaf problem. Attaching pics of some of the other ones (og, la kush cake, gordon)
  18. G

    Wedding Cake, harvest or wait

    Hi guys, my plan is to switch off the light for 2 days after today and then harvest on friday. I have 4 plants. 3 of them I'm pretty confident that it's the right time (friday will be end of week 9, 61 days after harvest). Just one of them, the wedding cake still has a lot of white pistils...
  19. G

    What is going on with my plant

    Hello, my ladies are in the 4th week of flower, everything is coming along nicely and they are looking really healthy. Just a few of the leaves of one of them (la kush cake) are starting to show signs of something not being right. It's just a few leaves here and there with the majority looking...
  20. G


    This is a Wedding Cake plant in its 5th week of vegging (raised from clone). They were in 1 gallon Fox Farm Happy Frog soil for 3 weeks, fed them Fox Farm Grow Big once before repotting into Ocean Forest soil in 5 gallon pot. Was going to wait another week or so before giving them nutrients...