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    Seedling/sprout seed cap removal

    Thanks Dank. If your curious that little shit show of a plant Grape Ox yielded to about 6-7 GRAMS:cuss:
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    Seedling/sprout seed cap removal

    :wall: I’m aware of my impatience. I only worry because I’ve never had a seed have such difficulties sprouting.
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    Seedling/sprout seed cap removal

    Thank you very much. I had tried to remove the membrane and it was successful but I had accidentally pulled off a cotolyton (idk how to spell that) it’s got super tiny leafs in the middle should I just start another seed or is there hope for her with due time?
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    Seedling/sprout seed cap removal

    Hello! I’m starting my troublesome blueberry cheesecake in Purple cow super soil and I had removed the seed cap and I fear I might have removed it too soon killing it because as you can see it’s very small. I’d appreciate any guidance. Thank ya:)
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    What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?

    Honestly makes me sad :/ but she grew in a garage basically for 3 months of her life in 40 or worse weather so she’s a trooper. What issues could I encounter flowering? Even though I will be having proper ph levels next watering with any luck. Don’t worry I’m not expecting much buds
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    What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?

    Here’s my plant without the lights. I’ve got a ph tester and ph up and down on the way!!
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    What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?

    Should I dare try and do it without a ph reader or should I wait until I have a tester?
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    What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?

    So what I’m hearing is that bottled water isn’t the way? Even if it’s big jugs of distilled water?
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    What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?

    Is there anything I can do about the spring water that’s already fucking up my plant?
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    What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?

    I was told that spring water had levels of natural nutes in them that would only help my already added nutes into the soil. But 3 days after I water her with spring water the tips of the leafs and around the tips. Almost like light burn.
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    What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?

    And I’ve only used purified water and spring water. Spring water is when this problem arised sadly.
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    What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?

    I’ll take some pics without the light when I can. I’m using indicaja super soil by purple cow. I’m kinda assuming it’s burn because of the sudden burning when I water with something that’s not regular purified water.
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    What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?

    I’m using a super soil and I was told that water was enough nute wise. So what would I do to fix nitrogen? And I’d like to add that my plants showed this same color of leaf through its entire life
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    What’s wrong with my plant?? I’ve been using regular ph 7 ish spring water. With indicaja soil. Is this over nutrients?

    And if it is nutrient burn can I fix it by using water without any nutes? Since it’s nutes are supposed to be in the soils.
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    Please help!

    Here’s my attempt at taking a better picture for determining sex of my plant.