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  1. L

    Plants wont grow

    Today i gave them first dose of calmag i hope it works. I bought it today
  2. L

    Plants wont grow

    Yes i run my light on 400w (only option) No first time growing this strain Ofcource i bought new soil I water when its semi dry (i put my finger in the soil and test how moist it is. About once a week
  3. L

    Plants wont grow

    No they are regular feminized
  4. L

    Plants wont grow

    Garden soil with mixed with those hydro rocks to give roots some oxygen, about 70/30 mixrate. This same soil and mix have always worked. But can someone say what they think about this plant should throw it away too? Its 10l pot and my hand is pretty big
  5. L

    Plants wont grow

    What you guys think about this plant its 21 days old?
  6. L

    Plants wont grow

    Okay. But in the second plant there is no purple in the stems, it just not grow. Are these plants salvageable or should i just put new ones to grow and use 200w cfl on vege and hps on flowering? This is my first time using hps, i always used cfl lamps with good results
  7. L

    Plants wont grow

    Stems are purple, is it ok?
  8. L

    Plants wont grow

    I I have removed the top layer of the small rocks (rocks that you use in hydro) just in case there was overwatering, that is why its look like dirt. No i have not used any nutrients yet only water. I trsanplanted these about 2 weeks ago to bigger pot and in the soil have nutrients allready...
  9. L

    Plants wont grow

    I have biobizz calmag, biobizz grow, biobizz bloom and biobizz top max. How much i should i use? I m beginner with nutrients, how much i put biobizz grow on 1 liter? Plants are so small and in the soil is alot of nutrients its pretty strong soil
  10. L

    Plants wont grow

    The cooltube is about 40cm away from the plants...
  11. L

    Plants wont grow

    I bought the soil from store. I have used it many times before. I have only giving water because they are so small
  12. L

    Plants wont grow

    Just the top is dry. Buckets are heavy and moist. I wana be sure its not overwatering
  13. L

    Plants wont grow

    400hps growing in soil. Northern lights feminized They are 26 days old... temps and huminity is ok. They are growing in 10l buckets. They stopped growing about 2 weeks ago.