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  1. D

    Searching for tips,tricks and advice on my first outdoor plant.

    Yea on water day it rained and was left in the rain for a little while so it got over watered.
  2. D

    Searching for tips,tricks and advice on my first outdoor plant.

    I had them all going great they were so perfect but the stand I had them on in the sun blew over while I was at work by the time I got home all but two were dead. The one on the post and another which later died due to it being knocked over again. I would like to get a couple more going but I...
  3. D

    Searching for tips,tricks and advice on my first outdoor plant.

    I can for sure get those items and yes where I’m at we get a lot of rain I could collect plenty of rain water. I read that transplanting a second time could hurt the plant so I’m wondering if I should just leave it in 5gallon instead of moving it to 10 gallon and just making sure to use 10...
  4. D

    Searching for tips,tricks and advice on my first outdoor plant.

    This is my first stab at growing I started with 5 seedlings and I’m left with one young plant now. It seems to be doing alright but I’m not sure. I’m growing outdoors in an extremely humid climate. I really am needing some guidance and maybe some tips to keep it alive and make sure it’s some...
  5. D

    Stunted growth

    Thank you!!! Every other picture I see at the same age other plants are double or triple the size so it has had me worried. Especially since my first plant ever.
  6. D

    Stunted growth

    Ok so I’m brand new and really have no idea what I’m doing. I started out with 5 seedlings and I have one left. The one that’s left was twice the size of the others from germination on up. One day they got knocked over and all of them died expect the one I have left. It has show. Good growth up...