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  1. the dopest

    C.O.B.S.S.L. News and Articles

    Thanks GG, I would have been pissed had I read the entire thread and found the answer on the last page. You are the man, this place rocks, thanks again!
  2. the dopest

    400w CXB3070 LED build

    That should be a good one, I like the laser feature better than the regular one I posted a link to. I may buy one of those now, thanks for posting!
  3. the dopest

    C.O.B.S.S.L. News and Articles

    That thread is 20 pages long as well, any links to the reflectors? Sorry, I don't want to seem lazy but even google brings me to those threads/posts but none so far mention availability/model number or link to an actual 90* reflector.
  4. the dopest

    C.O.B.S.S.L. News and Articles

    Without me reading the entire thread, has anyone found a 90* reflector for the CXA3070 yet?
  5. the dopest

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    So when is the next competition starting? I didn't read everything in the thread but it looks like people start/finish at different times? Anyway, I participated in the shot glass competition almost a decade ago over at IC and since I'm back from my hiatus, I would like to join in here on the...
  6. the dopest

    400w CXB3070 LED build

    DOZ, those are looking good man! Read my post to GG below. Greengenes, DOZ and/or all you guys in the states, I use this thermometer below, it's cheap and fairly accurate. Link --->
  7. the dopest

    Led build~ 2' heatsink 200w

    @Positivity, those with the six copper pipes and horizontal fins are made by Auras, they were fan cooled in the case with a plastic shroud over them. I didn't even try that style, I read an article online about how they tested some on computer chips and just did okay with the fan on but was...
  8. the dopest

    Led build~ 2' heatsink 200w

    I will throw this in, if you don't want it here, pm me and I will gladly delete it. I just built (5) separate COB fixtures for my CXA3070s and so I have pics already. I'm running them on cheap Chinese 1500ma drivers and they run about 3* over ambient. Four are in my flower cab and one in my...
  9. the dopest

    Another Cree CXA3070 DIY Thread

    My first time seeing a double screen in action, holy f'n smokes!!! This is going to be epic!
  10. the dopest

    I gotta make a confession.

    I'm new to this forum but it seems(to me) like there are a few people that seriously know wtf they are doing and I would invite in my home any day of the week, an alcoholic that stirs the pot with posts/new threads daily, a few technology haters and a bunch of damn children. IDK why the smart...
  11. the dopest

    My Arduino & LEDs

    In for info, this is automated awesomeness!!
  12. the dopest

    LED vs HID

    Ditto the two guys above me. In for info.
  13. the dopest

    Problems with LED vs. CFL

    I tried a PAR38 18w Cree in my 2.4 sq ft veg and just changed to a CXA3070 AD on 1500ma, it's like night and day, literally. Having tried the PAR38, I have to say, it puts off a lot more heat, less wattage and lumens than the COB. The fins on the PAR38 were averaging 119*F whereas the COB is on...
  14. the dopest

    Problems with LED vs. CFL

    Supra, since you are on well water, does that also mean you are on a septic sewer system instead of a municipal that at least attempts to filter sewage? If so, your crap(along with your neighbors) goes into your well water too. I'm on city water and sewage, my tap water is about 130 ppm and...
  15. the dopest

    Hydrofarm par meter

    I gave the height just in case anyone with a similar setup has already been through this could compare numbers. Also, how could I be getting 55K lumens from a LED that is supposed to produce about 6-9k? I know this is not an accurate way to measure, just trying to get a ballpark. I mainly use...
  16. the dopest

    Hydrofarm par meter

    It measures about 50,000 LUX at 8", the online calculator I linked to says that's about 6485.86 Lumens. Using the formula above it comes to about 1035 Lumens...okay now I'm confused again. I have about 2.4 square foot.
  17. the dopest

    Cats and growing

    Make sure they don't shed or you will be smoking cat hair... :puke:
  18. the dopest

    Hydrofarm par meter

    This is the link to the online calculator I used. I see the problem here, I was multiplying the LUX measurement by 10 but the meter says it should be by 100. My mistake, that puts it a lot closer to where it should be. Sorry for te confusion guys...
  19. the dopest

    Hydrofarm par meter

    Using that formula, I get 557.41 Lumens, that's even less than the online calculator. Does that sound right? CXA3070 AD bin on a 1500ma driver at 8" distance in a 2.4 square foot cabinet. I would think it would have been a shit load more. EDITED, if I use sq meters instead of sq ft, it's even...
  20. the dopest

    Hydrofarm par meter

    REALSTYLES, I have a cheap LUX meter as well, can you tell me how you converted the LUX to LUMENs? I tried an online calculator but it came out 713 Lumens at 8" from a CXA3070 on 1500ma, which I HIGHLY doubt it correct.