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  1. mastadj19

    ** DJ's 400w Easy Ryder & LA Woman Grow **

    Im from the US so if you could help me with where to get those that would be awesome! Thanks :)
  2. mastadj19

    ** DJ's 400w Easy Ryder & LA Woman Grow **

    Its a CFL that says its a 150W replacement using only 40W. I just dont know where to put them... Like I need something to screw them into
  3. mastadj19

    Autoflower Easy Ryder Grow Journal - PC Grow

    They are looking great man!
  4. mastadj19

    ** DJ's 400w Easy Ryder & LA Woman Grow **

    Im growing one Easy Ryder and Im using two T-12 24in tube lights both are 20W. I also have a 40W CFL pumping out 2700 lumens. Is that enough?
  5. mastadj19

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    She is growing nicely! Just waiting to get a camera for some pics! :) And I added another T-12 20W. I changed the CFL bulb to 40W pumping out around 2750 lumens :D
  6. mastadj19

    ** DJ's 400w Easy Ryder & LA Woman Grow **

    Hey man I have been following your first ER grow and inspired me to grow an ER myself! I just got mine sprouted today and transplanted it. I hope mine looks like that five days from now! Im using a 2L bottle for a pot as I am height limited. But we will see how I do. Guess I trying to just...
  7. mastadj19

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Just started my Auto Easyryder grow! :) Super pumped.
  8. mastadj19

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    Just transplated the seed into the soil! The soil is comprised of MG Potting Mix, MG Organic Bone Meal, MG Peat Moss, and Perlite. I will add pics of my girl as soon as she peaks out of the soil! :) Her name is Sophie!
  9. mastadj19

    Seed size?

    I recently put an order through Attitude and received it yesterday. My buddy came over and we hit up some stuff he just bought. He handed over three seeds he had found through various times he bought weed. The 3 seeds he gave me were much bigger than the seeds i received from the Attitude. I...
  10. mastadj19

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    Its a T-12 Sylvania. Let me correct myself on the CFL. Its a 120 Volt. And I believe its either 23 Watt or 30 Watt with a full spectrum. 2L bottle is covered with black tape! I already made sure about that one. And I cut drainage holes in the "feet" of the bottle. I will be using Miracle Gro...
  11. mastadj19

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    So a day later... Seed is crackin through! :) I expect by either tomorrow morning or afternoon that it will be ready to be planted in soil! Oh and I added a 75 volt CFL too the little set up.
  12. mastadj19

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Sadly I have to answer that with a yes. I was looking forward to the Snowryders I ordered from him. Just confused on how the Attitude got it here in a week but that one is no where to be found. :(
  13. mastadj19

    Auto EasyRyder... Most basic set-up..

    I am new to growing. I recently took a Biology class that we germinated seeds in so I know how to do that. I don't know what lights im using. It is a cool-white fluorescent tube light I believe. I will be using a 2L bottle as my pot. I know what you guys are thinking. That im stupid and a...
  14. mastadj19

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Just got my EasyRyders from Attitude! Will be starting a grow journal :)
  15. mastadj19

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Nah. Nothing yet. Hope it just got stalled in customs because of a back-up or something. I still have high hopes! I'm a patient guy! :)
  16. mastadj19

    Heard tons of good things from and decided to give them a try. Really interested in autos so I ordered 5 female snowryders. Price was pretty good just under 40$. I ordered on 3/10 and it is currently 3/25. I haven't received my seeds yet. Im a little bummed since many reviews...
  17. mastadj19

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Showhard2handle- Where do you get your seeds from? Is there any best place to order from?
  18. mastadj19

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Showhard2handle - I hear ya on the being patient. Its just a huge bummer when the reason I ordered from them was because most customers got their seeds in 5-7 days. And I am on the east coast. AKA NY. And I have a question about autos. When is the earliest time you can plant them outdoors? May?
  19. mastadj19

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    So I ordered my seeds from on Wednesday 3/10 and the current date is 3/22 and no seeds. :(
  20. mastadj19

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I e-mailed him after he sent me a message about my shipment saying it was mailed. I just replied with a nice thank you. I e-mailed him today but only was about if they send it through mail or shipper like UPS. And if they need a signature. Wasn't complaining at all! He is very speedy with his...