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  1. shaft09

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    reading this stuff will make you drop a bean at 2:49 am
  2. shaft09

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    this composting stuff is pretty cool. It keeps breaking down even if you neglect it, lol. I had not used any of my own compost until this year, this summer. I’ve still been going to my local park and gathering leaves. I get about 5 to 7 bags of leaves yearly, throw them in the compost pile...
  3. shaft09

    Mohican's 2017 Season

    You got a lot of mysteries growin' there bro! Screen room lookin good
  4. shaft09

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    Anyone know what the pictured plant is and if it is good for anything?
  5. shaft09

    Homemade Lactobacillus Serum

    Think I'll stick with what I have. Thanks for the detailed info.
  6. shaft09

    Homemade Lactobacillus Serum

    Rrog, When you say "kefir daily", are you referring to kefir you make yourself and consume daily or something you feed to your plants?
  7. shaft09

    Homemade Lactobacillus Serum

    Last two pics are of it all mixed up. Shaken, not stirred!
  8. shaft09

    Homemade Lactobacillus Serum

    MjMamasan, I did it! But I forgot to take pics of the first batch. Took about two weeks total, but I let the curds go a few days longer than needed. This morning I strained and mixed with molasses. Got it in the fridge right now until I need it. As you can see in the pic, got one more batch...
  9. shaft09

    Lets talk about "Other" COBS !

    I don't know much about LED's and drivers yet, but ran across this
  10. shaft09

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    Got my compost this morning. Had to make two trips, but I think I got enough! Got the blue bin Tuesday. Out walking the dogs Friday morning, found a kiddy pool for mixing stuff, lol. Not a bad week! Now to get that in the bin.
  11. shaft09

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    Got my new bin today. Took 2 tries, so I have 2 new bins. Free compost on Saturday to fill 1 up. Hope it is good stuff.
  12. shaft09

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    @bizfactory wish I had a pickup truck after checking your link,lol.
  13. shaft09

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    Worm bin is doing well and the castings are looking great! Enlarged the holes on the bottom during the re do and some of the castings are falling through the holes. It looks really good. I use that to scrape up the babies that don't know where to go and drop them back into the bin. Also, I...
  14. shaft09

    SomeGuy's LED & Other Grows. 2014-15 Season

    No prob. Not much up here. Next time I go check out my brother in Gardena, I'll try to scope out some places down there before I go. I hate to order stuff without seeing first, then I get exactly what I want. Any f ups will be all on me then,lol. I have two more lights that work well for me, so...
  15. shaft09

    SomeGuy's LED & Other Grows. 2014-15 Season

    SG, Where do you get your heat sinks and angle from? I have a Mars 192 ( think that's what it's called now) that I want to use to make a cob light with. This model does not come with heat sinks, but I can use all the other stuff out of it. It has 8 55 ~ 100 drivers in it and 2 fans. No room to...
  16. shaft09

    SomeGuy's LED & Other Grows. 2014-15 Season

    All caught up, got some good stuff going on here SG!
  17. shaft09

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    If I left leaves out like that they would be all over my back yard
  18. shaft09

    Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

    Will probably be an indoor organic grow when summer is over. I've been through the hydro indoors and know what heat can do, lol.Got 1 seedie in pot outside now. High winds knocked it over lol. Thought I had it deep enough where that wouldn't happen, but the wind showed me! Put some aloe on it...
  19. shaft09

    Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

    No thread yet, once I know I'm staying. Only back 4 months. Prior service too!