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  1. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    When a person constantly talks about racism or holocaust ?? one can figure out he is in denial and probably one of the worst raciest.. It ok Buck we know you were brought up that way just one question ??? was it your mother or Father that wore the racism pants in the family
  2. Slipup420

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    Prove to me the earth is round ???? its ironic how people are mis lead listen to video very closely what the astronaut is saying
  3. Slipup420

    Jesus Myth & Why It Endures

    No i am not asking you to prove the world is 6000 years old its much older then that but its what the BS bible teaches its 6000 years old
  4. Slipup420

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    Wow so curious how does the Carpet break down haha i see you got everything nicely covering carpet lol does the carpet help in retaining the moisture is this natural composting adding VOCS you know toluene, benzene, formaldehyde, ethyl benzene, styrene, acetone ?? Are these benificial...
  5. Slipup420

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    lol now now you should go tend to your carpet compost pile and worry about VOCS you know the toluene, benzene, formaldehyde, ethyl benzene, styrene, acetone associated with your compost technique ??? Dam
  6. Slipup420

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    Tangerine slow down on eating tangerines try some banana's it might help with your mental imbalance Nasa make up your mind which one is earth lol i really like the last picture made in disney land
  7. Slipup420

    Light ???

    Guys guys there are some growers that have fine tuned there growing styles but for many there not even close hence the tea craze to complete a organic grow .. yeah i don't know much now do i :) here my blind soil compost mix :) no amendments would you be so kind to...
  8. Slipup420

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    pretty easy picking members that contribute nothing just by there actual threads i see one thread where tyler mentions he is harvesting yet no pictures lol Sorry Tyler your a goof
  9. Slipup420

    Jesus Myth & Why It Endures

    True colors in the bible does it not say its 6000 years old ?? i do not believe in any gods nor jesus or any religion i believe in do on to others as they do onto you end of story, The bible is a Joke your born you live when you die that is it nothing more that is it that is all
  10. Slipup420

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    Tyler durden is a kid with throwing memes like check me out i am so cool he is lost in his own world of knowing nothing but feels secure when posting memes and of course getting a like We are only told what the governmentt allows media to tell us,Censor ship at its finest. how...
  11. Slipup420

    Jesus Myth & Why It Endures

    If god created the Earth 6000 years ago ??? where did the Dinosaurs roam in this equation and why has not Your god come down to save all the christians being Slaughtered by Muslim Are you aware there are more Mosque;s in UK then there are churches ?? if your god loves you so much...
  12. Slipup420

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    Hey Grease curious you have any lab results from your compost pile and soil mixture ??? is it lacking anything ? what i do is spread fall compost 10 acres tilled in fall and tested in spring : pretty bang on got plants into ground had to paint lines for rows as where...
  13. Slipup420

    Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

    There are different types of organisms that work in different temp ranges usually the first one to start to process is psychrophillic 50 degree mark where temps start off low they will very slowly bring up the heat as to where another type will start to establish .. messophiloic...
  14. Slipup420

    Light ???

    Who the hell are you trying to kid ??? compost pile will release C02 and methane gas end of story. Its really miss leading C02 is C02 and methane gas is methane gas to say it produces very little depends on the amount of greens ,and established micro life decomposing the material  With...
  15. Slipup420

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    DO our eyes play tricks on us ??? why are astronauts sworn to secrecy. what could they possibly say that would make governments truly liars but we go ahead on believing them likes its gospil why are there no fly zones at the poles Lyndon Johnson told America that the North Vietnamese...
  16. Slipup420

    Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

    We are merely living in a flat dish and the Governments playing us as fools moon landings faked it amazes me when looking at some of the pictures of landing how they must of had the film crew already on the moon waiting lol
  17. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    interesting yo fog when the system is raciest and you point your finger at one dude you sir need glasses African-Americans comprise only 13% of the U.S. population and 14% of the monthly drug users, but are 37% of the people arrested for drug-related offenses in America. Studies show that...
  18. Slipup420

    EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

     So you think Bernie's answer is tax the remaining companies that still call USA home ?? Like bunch of kids always waiting for hand outs rather then , make it happen.. What happens when they leave or had enough like so many have ,, And you probably do not even know about it sure...
  19. Slipup420

    EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

    This is how its going to turn out Sanders gets destroyed election day only to see him in the welfare line next day , Hillary will get a job at the Clinton foundation and disapear never to be in the spot light again or maybe in a Federal court room .. Trump will take USA to the...
  20. Slipup420

    Donald Trump

    Its ironic how buck talks about the importance of schooling yet on other hand support Clinton's over trump .. lets see here how they screwed the system and aimed at screwing our future children with debt The two major acts that the Clintons did perpetrate, which have set in...