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  1. shaggyballs

    Why all the lies on the news? Here is the truth why the news lies.

    Ok, fair assessment. Did you find any interesting facts in it? Sex trade, programming via TV you know that kinda stuff?
  2. shaggyballs

    Why all the lies on the news? Here is the truth why the news lies.

    Not smart enough to discern for yourself? Can't get the facts because you are prejudice against religion? Talk about narrow minded. I hope you folks don't support the sex trade. Good info about that in the video, but can't be true, because somebody said GOD. How childish, how very childish. So...
  3. shaggyballs

    Why all the lies on the news? Here is the truth why the news lies.

    Why all the lies on the news? Here is the truth why the news lies. If you don't watch you will be forever in the dark! Not claiming the video is perfect.
  4. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    Does this describe you? Look in the mirror bro. My definition of a troll: A being without the intellectual power to respond in a rational manner. But lonely enough that they still want to participate in the thread.
  5. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    Nothing but games with you I see... :bigjoint: My definition of a troll: A being without the intellectual power to respond in a rational manner. But lonely enough that they still want to participate in the thread.
  6. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    I did not come here to play those kind of school yard games. I was simply pointing out your statement was conflicting/ it did not make sense. I was just reading it back to you as you wrote it, this way you could clarify your statement. But whatever. All this talk is a huge waste of you time and...
  7. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    Oh, I see who is in control now. So is it you, we have to blame for the current shit show. :bigjoint: My dad was a Vietnam vet, 503 MP. So I respect your view.
  8. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    Why do you think I am against vaccines? Asking a question is a conspiracy theory, how wacky??
  9. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    This is an assumption that you came to on your own. How did you come to the conclusion that I feel that way? You seem to know a lot about me, have we met?
  10. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    Because the govt. is our best friend and always has our best interest at heart? They would never do anything by force, right?:D
  11. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    Ok, I see, did the best ya could. :rolleyes: Gotcha! Peace to ya brother.
  12. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    This was to point out how your statement was in conflict with it's self. Not playin games, not playin you. In short if you force someone against their will it is in line with fascism. If you protest the use of force that is the opposite of fascism. That is all I was saying. I hope you...
  13. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    Thanks, I did not even think about them taking away gun rights. But you make a very good point, that may be done before restrictions are placed on food. It is a pleasure chatting with you.
  14. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    To confirm here: You are of the opinion that those how protest being forced to to something against there will are the fascists? And those who oppose laws that force people to to things against their will are a danger to humanity? Is that correct?
  15. shaggyballs

    Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

    To keep your plants safe I suspect you are too.....LOL