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  1. Shadytrees88

    First Auto grow. I would appreciate some expert advice!

    Watch this short video as a guy explains tucking leaves Some get great results with topping autos I'm not risking it. I do some light LSTing but mainly just tuck leaves by that I mean the big fans leaves I will tuck under out of the way so the bud sites pistols what have you r exposed to more...
  2. Shadytrees88

    Bitch has balls

    This auto is 21 days from time I soaked the seed this is a critical hog
  3. Shadytrees88

    2 weeks into my first autoflowers help!!!

    Mine are day 21 from soaking in water and mine are around 6 to 9 inchs but bushy , 2x 400w hid 220 led and a 50w led , no nutes yet but run FFOF and happy frog and big perlite ... Them plants r critical hog ,lsd25 and jack47
  4. Shadytrees88

    What's the best way to germ an auto??

    Soak mine in water for 12 hours , then paper towel and ziplock bag on top of the grow light ... Have done 2 runs of 10 autos and had 100%
  5. Shadytrees88

    Can I put Autoflowers straight under 600w hps light from seedling?

    No problem any time . Now I will say this shit I bout forgot when I had my lights high like 30 inchs or whatever them ladies stretched a lot quick fast and two fell over cause the stem was weak I shoulda kept the led close then the hid but I didn't live and learn but u might wanna stake them or...
  6. Shadytrees88

    First Auto grow. I would appreciate some expert advice!

    I'd be doin some leaf tucking , but Dnt look bad , r u feeding yet ?? My autos r 21 days from the day of soaking but only 17 days from actually time they were put in dirt ... Mine ain't real tall my lights r 19inch I run 2 400w and 220w led and 50w led for side light , I'm bout same as u for...
  7. Shadytrees88

    Fastest Autoflower Available 2016

    They put those fast times like 64 days from seed cause a lot of people when they see pre flowers they assume they need to change to a bloom food , this is incorrect unless u just wanna quick harvest then do so , but I always let my autos go till stretch stops then add bloom nutes.. But yea most...
  8. Shadytrees88

    Can I put Autoflowers straight under 600w hps light from seedling?

    I run a 4x5 grow tent , 2 400w hid , 220 Cali works solar flare , and a 50w led , I put mine straight under the 400 hid and leds , now for the first 3 days I kept my lights high roughly 3 foot LEDs can be lil closer , then I lowered down to 18 inchs and there 22 days today and showed sex ... So...
  9. Shadytrees88


    I put my finger in soil if it's wet up to knuckle then leave alone . I pre water my containers two days before poting then mayb go a week depending on temp befor watering again , and I only water around the plant mayb the size of a solo cup ... When in doubt wait another 12 hours or next day ...
  10. Shadytrees88


    Herbies . Got seeds quick fast and in a hurry , ordered 2seeds roughly got 7 extra and a 5+2 jack47 order I ordered all autos , I've germinated 20 of the seeds all twenty poped in 36 hours in dirt... GORILLIA is good to they just took a hair longer to ship out but no complaints ... Herbies I...
  11. Shadytrees88

    Clone help

    These plants have been out of the dome For 21 days in dirt , been givin light dose of nuts for last few waterings that's may 4th Then yesterday All the yellow ones were basically dry this morning , gave em ph water only see what happens... Took one of the smallest Ones out of the cup lastnight...
  12. Shadytrees88

    Clone help

    I run happy frog , FFOF and light warrior , for my Indoor , outdoor I run a super soil that I've near perfected , knock on wood
  13. Shadytrees88

    Clone help

    That's my plan this next round , just concerned bout the leaves lookin like a def , they was a good lookin green now comin yellowish
  14. Shadytrees88

    Clone help

    I haven't over watered been waiting till they dry out . Nutes been light like normal never had issues , looks like there gettin a nitrogen def but I'd hate to keep on em , my last two waterings been with nutes so idk , two or three days ago they was Prayin now droppy and it was a day before they...
  15. Shadytrees88

    Clone help

    so took 25 clones , some Took forever to root . I think I got some Bad clonex , I ordered a kit off amazon and when I went back and looked at the date on the kit it said from 2012 so no tellin how long it set on a hot or shitty place , well half of them clones died the other half took forever ...
  16. Shadytrees88

    Daylight hours and questions

    Well a few of my ladies are starting to bud slightly , still growing good and what not hope it's not that bad I waited as long as possible ...
  17. Shadytrees88

    Daylight hours and questions

    Mine have been outside since 4/19 there 6 weeks old then and here they are not even budding just growin like hell .. All mine are over 2 feet tall I do wish I woulda dropped em down from 18:6 to 17:7 16:8 just to work em into it but I had cloned in the tent and was wanting them to stay on 18/6...
  18. Shadytrees88

    Daylight hours and questions

    Well he ain't one to worry bout all that he just likes to smoke which makes no sense if u grow something u should grow it the best u can ... That's why I waited cause I take pride in what I do and all that but I'm like you I've never had one that far along either ,, I've forced flowered before...
  19. Shadytrees88

    Daylight hours and questions

    I grew a few out for my ol man early in the year , ran out of room in my space when I got mine goin and my indoor crop rolling , we'll he put his outside like way early they all got big buds on em .. I put my crop out April 20 so there 2 weeks outside now and they have not budded so think I may...
  20. Shadytrees88

    Daylight hours and questions

    Yea , everytbing Ive read said less hen 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness will not trigger flowering . So that being said that street light I got in my yard which lights my garden up pretty game well should give a lil help I no it ain't gonna make it grow but least keep em from flowering so...