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    O snap yea open them things up everyday and dnt pack the buds n too much ya jars, might mold...and move your buds around n the bag dnt want no wet pockets.
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    Its cool jus the moisture in the middle of the bud coming to the outside to evaporate. That's how it works from what I understand anyway. And yea I burp depending on how much moisture is in the bud when they hit the jars. I usually put mine n a old dresser for 5-7 days before the jars. Be patient
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    Lol, I noticed n all 8 pages I never saw anything about flushing
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    First autoflower run

    Hey everyone , I'm doin my first autoflower run and was wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I have one purple express and one holy grail(not auto) n a 4x2 tent. Also a random seed I grew this summer jus to fill out space. I have them in 3 gallon tall trashcan from wally world. My auto and...
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    Jus general feed help

    Well guys I ended up yielding about 20 oz dry from 7 plants, I lost one to worms. Is outdoor always so unpredictable as far as weight wise? I had a few plants that had hard rock dense buds then the majority had fluffy airy buds. Anyway I feel like I did ok for a outdoor grow that was chopped two...
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    Jus general feed help

    Ok so been a gd week figure I'd post a pic to show us guys how I'm doin. This is my second yr guys so b easy lol. Made a post on here were one of my plants got the bid worms and I moved everything away from it. Gonna try get eat I can was the biggest plant. Some guys told me molasses will...
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    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    So I went and got me some brer rabbit molasses and decided to check out this I found in the store. This should wrk right? O btw I moved all plants away from the one with the worms to try and stop the spread.
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    Can anyone tell me what this is?

    Hey everyone, I've encountered something I've never seen before and wanted to know what this is exactly. Unfortunately I have cut all the branches off with these lil bubble things on it, trying so give the rest of the plant time to finish and protect the others from it. As u can see in the pic...
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    Jus general feed help

    Yes thanks for the chart. I decided to flush and they are looking better already. When do u think would b a gd time to start feed again I'm just giving plain water.
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    Jus general feed help

    I was wondering that myself about the purple. In regards to what I'm feeding( and omg screw the first one to say something negative) I'm using maxibloom and iguanas juice together full strength twice a week to feed. Additive big bud, superthrive and very ill worm castings. I water every day...
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    Jus general feed help

    Hi ppls, I think we are n week 2 now for outdoor and I wanted to know if my plants are developing properly or if I may need to push them. Few things: I have noticed my ladies are all shooting pistils atm, but some of the lower sites that dnt receive much light have crunchy leaves. Lke one...
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    Lolipop vs not in SoG

    Ok on last question, my plants have vegged from May first til now, my internodes are starting to become like the lower branches n the early stages, is this ok and will it affect yield? Did I let them veg too long? Or should I jus retie them and try to get the new canopy level. Of course I want...
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    Should I toss this?

    Stupid male...tryin give me seeds here's a pic of how he looked. .. small compared to the rest. My buddy told me to clip the internodes and dry for three days n smoke really idk I told him he could have em if he wanted. Can u do that? Seems like a gd use I guess for a male. Also is...
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    Should I toss this?

    Yea thought so... the one pic is jus the tallest of them all.. O yea I do have mites on that one and another, actually found webs on the one with the male parts. Glad it's going. This azamax is gettin expensive and I been tryin to find a quick fix til the check rolls n but I dnt wanna mess em...
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    Should I toss this?

    Hey guys how he doin, I was jus doin my rounds a few ago and noticed some things. Was wondering if I should toss this plant...looks male to me but I want another opinion. These pics are all from different plants. Thnx guys
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    7 week old plants mids bagseed

    Sensei grow, worm casting tea wit seabird guano...feed twice a week...they do look hungry dnt they... jus scared to burn em or mess ma ph up
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    7 week old plants mids bagseed

    Wow really didn't know there was a math equation for that., Ok I get 11 ful hrs of Sun a day how much will I yield? Sry to poke ya brain but. All ten of my ladies are this size and I'd love to hear gd news Dnt mind the powdery white stuff it's some bug powder I regret using
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    Pest and the battle ahead

    Well I'm already out lol. They are n pots on the ground. I used this stuff called sevin on it and it wrkd great jus everytime I handled them I needed a shower. They are upwards of seven feet now and I'm starting to have trouble simply containing them inside the greenhouse. I did the hol...
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    7 week old plants mids bagseed

    No way to say how much u will yield, we dnt know if pot size grow area nutes etc. ..but evn that wnt give an answer. But from it pics I would suggest bigger pots for flower or a few tubs, for the ladies to keep progressing. I also think ur stressing the plants they need a break from the light...
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    Pest and the battle ahead

    Yea they disappeared now... spider mites r tryin to move in. One plant n the corner is gettin it bad. I spray every morning from bottom to top but seems to do very Lil. Is there a home remedy for mites? I cnt keep spending this kind of money on azamax I got bills lol. Nice water only grow btw.