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  1. G

    150watt HPS Stealth fish tank podium grow box

    Here is a rough scale drawing of one of a grow box i designed for two plants. one plant will sit on either side of the light soaking up most of the output. I designed it to be as space efficient as possible. Im working on it right now and will post the final creation in a week or so..
  2. G

    I have a drug test tomorrow need help with proper way to flush system..

    Uh oh knocking it but never tried it party foul
  3. G

    I have a drug test tomorrow need help with proper way to flush system..

    Damn man we have some drug hate crimes going down on riu
  4. G

    I have a drug test tomorrow need help with proper way to flush system..

    I never paid for method In my life. I only smoke it when it's offered to me freely which it was. I do it like once a y your to cook I have anything.
  5. G

    I have a drug test tomorrow need help with proper way to flush system..

    Uhh well the method was free. I never pay for it. Cancelled the test whoop whoop
  6. G

    I have a drug test tomorrow need help with proper way to flush system..

    Vinegar check baking soda check.. So do I do these things late in the night as possible?
  7. G

    I have a drug test tomorrow need help with proper way to flush system..

    Method is awesome when its freely offered which it was.. But ya I'm not a huge fan either
  8. G

    I have a drug test tomorrow need help with proper way to flush system..

    Ya me and dude smoked like 5 stingy hits each.. Interesting.. This is good to know.. Unfortunately I don't have means to make it to t the store so cranapple juice is out of the picture.. So I'm going to go ahead and go to vinegar If I can get validation The drug test will be a lab test.. So...
  9. G

    I have a drug test tomorrow need help with proper way to flush system..

    I have a drug test tomorrow. I smoked some meth Saturday night my drug test is on Tuesday morning. I read it takes 3 days 4 meth to clear the system. My understanding is that if I drink a gallon of water the night before and a bottle of vinegar that'll be ok. Is this the proper way?
  10. G

    Will an EEG detect damage to the reward system?

    Sorry I can get irrationally defensive
  11. G

    Will an EEG detect damage to the reward system?

    Idk are you trying to dis me bro? I feel like your pist off at me..
  12. G

    Will an EEG detect damage to the reward system?

    The brain damage resulted from a particular neurotoxin my intuition strongly tells me affected my reward center I have the sensation the sunshine has been sucked out of my world. You either work WITH me or let your ego talk.
  13. G

    looking for LSD online

    Exceptions can be made my man
  14. G

    Will an EEG detect damage to the reward system?

    Encouraging! I will defiantly talk to my physician about other tests.
  15. G

    looking for LSD online

    Listen llisten listen Donna list listen listen listen you're not listening to me. The only thing I'm worried about with Silk Road is that the vendors hi here don't like to give samples and I think that's important for establishing Trust. So here I am. I go at 1 PS. ya I heard about 1p but I...