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  1. stsin

    Ok outdoor growers (or people who don't like to trim)

    I've always poo-pooed the automatic trimming devices, but a trial run this evening with "The Clean Cut Bowl Leaf Trimmer" (specifically the 19" version for $200 on amazon) and I can say I'm a believer. Mind you, I absolutely HATE trimming (carpel tunnel and a bad back from a life mislead plus...
  2. stsin

    Let's see how (ideally oregon) people feel about Prop 91 shall we?

    Heh, since I assume you and I are the only ones who have voted I think it's fair to say it's not statistically relevant. My guess is we'll be lucky to see 40 votes by november. Mind you, perhaps statistically WE are the only two really active Medical:OR people, in which case.... yeah it's...
  3. stsin

    2014 ballot for legalizing marijuana question Nope, it's not true (pretty much if you hear anything that sounds insane, google it. Lately odds are it's an empire news article that social media sorts are taking seriously as they lack fact checking inclinations.) Really though there are...
  4. stsin

    Let's see how (ideally oregon) people feel about Prop 91 shall we?

    So, I just posted that I thought the majority of people in this subthread support legalization (ala prop 91) but honestly, I don't know as most people are quite quiet. So here is your chance to have your voice be heard WHILST remaining quiet. Simple question, how will you be voting come...
  5. stsin

    2014 ballot for legalizing marijuana question

    Um, Mygirls: you do get that the OP (and most of us on this subforum) is (are) hopping it does pass right? So we're actually worried it *WON'T* pass and we'll have to continue to pay the yearly mmj doctor fee + state fees instead of being able to opt for 4 free plants (per house)... I know my...
  6. stsin

    2014 ballot for legalizing marijuana question

    To be honest, I'd err on the side of caution for the first 3 months to a year (handy for me as I'm up for renewal at the end of march), and stay medical regardless. However, if it does pass and isn't successfully challenged in courts (extremities crossed towards both) then I'm 99.9% sure that...
  7. stsin

    2014 ballot for legalizing marijuana question

    The bill goes into force (bits that the state doesn't have to do, grow your own segment and decrim basically) 30 days after it passes, however the state of oregon has until 1-2016 before they have to sell it / clones /etc. The 30 day bit is towards the end of the ballot measure (section 84)...
  8. stsin

    understanding the law as a grower...

    BTW there was an article in US news more or less saying all of the above (but in a specific US news-y sort of way) Basically, dunno, federal prosecutors could prosecute, but for now they're not.... I am curious how the colorado lawsuit goes, I suspect the judge...
  9. stsin

    understanding the law as a grower...

    I'll give you a qualified yes on good ol syphilitic al, had he not demonstrated in such a way the possessing of funds beyond what he claimed to have on taxes, they would have had no tax case against him. Hell, his lawyer specifically told him to not splash out as he did.... Though really the...
  10. stsin

    understanding the law as a grower...

    OH! Gotcha, this might make you feel better: While you can list your occupation on your tax forms as a consultant, there's no need to explain what you did to earn the money from the companies that issue 1099s for you. On your forms you just state you received $X from ACME whatsit company $Y...
  11. stsin

    understanding the law as a grower...

    Oh, other bit of the law that people may have forgotten, of our 24 ounces of marijuana that we're allowed the state of oregon makes no differential between hash and bud. A fact that I'm pondering in my mind while I trim an early branch and remember how much trimming sucks (and this is the...
  12. stsin

    Waiting till harvest (not so) patiently.

    Waiting till harvest (not so) patiently.
  13. stsin

    understanding the law as a grower...

    Sorry thought I answered this before meandering off topic, you *must* pay taxes on your income in the eyes of the government (even if your income was gained from illegal sources). Failure to do so is a fineable (and in some extreme cases jailable) offense. If you're a self employed person who...
  14. stsin

    the grow season is here

    I hope you're wrong but we'll see in nov (or I suppose in 2016 since they get a year before the selling/licenses/taxes kick in if memory serves). As far as tweaks go I was talking about how as it was originally (1998 ) created patients were allowed no more than 3 mature plants (7 total plants)...
  15. stsin

    the grow season is here

    Self edit (wish we could edit posts way later....) nope, if legalization happens (extremities crossed) the limit is 4 mature plants PER HOUSE. I thought like colorado it was per adult. So it seems to be able to do 8 indoors I'll need to keep my medical stuff up to date.... Still, one hell...
  16. stsin

    Looking for doctors in EO

    Edit: you're right, the final version of the initiative that got enough signatures states 4 plants PER HOUSE, not per adult (narf, I wanted 8 plants without having to pay the medical fees, guess no such luck this time around.)
  17. stsin

    the grow season is here

    You know instead of teasing us you could break out the camera and let us see them now ;)
  18. stsin

    the grow season is here

    Thought I'd show the (so-so) pics I took of my most advanced Shaman today. She seems to want to finish a full two weeks before the others.... All of the thick(ening) buds you see are from the one girl, she responded well to being topped fairly late in veg apparently..... Sorry for the lack...
  19. stsin

    understanding the law as a grower...

    Eh, I'm fairly sure they will treat it like beer currently is. We can legally make 100 gallons of the stuff at a time (*note I'm not in an exact frame of mind at the moment) tax free in so long as we don't transport it across state lines, barter with it , or sell it. The same will be true...
  20. stsin

    understanding the law as a grower...

    Hey there your permness, to be *extremely* nit picky, you'd actually want to split the bill *4* ways as while you are in fact growing it, you're growing it FOR you as well. If you didn't have any other patients you would be paying 100% of the bills. (Else that whatever a month would technically...