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  1. HeaveyKush

    How do you like your bongs?

    Acryl Tube Water Bong with Ice and Fruit-Punch. Only bad thing is you have to clean it a lottttttt and it can stain but the Fruit Punch bleeds into the Weed taste and it is Heavenly ;)
  2. HeaveyKush

    What Is A Square

    I mean Square as in like measured in in. I heard it was like a Quarter in total? (I don't mean Cigarettes so don't get it confused lol)
  3. HeaveyKush

    How Much Do You Smoke?

    Then why are you on this site? And if you don't smoke and hate smoke/smoking why bother posting?
  4. HeaveyKush

    Alternative methods

    Medicate yourself on pills and Cough Medicine, no I'm kidding :D I know you said you're looking for a way without smoking, but I wanna suggest you make a little tinfoil home-made handheld pipe :D You can make it any size you want. Just go to the bathroom (or outhouse) and take a hit, or w.e :D...
  5. HeaveyKush

    Nugs or ground when smoking bowls

    1. is it better to break down your weed when you smoke out of a bowl? or, 2. is it better to just light the nugs up in the bowl which do you prefer/think is better? personally i like to break it down not into super fine dust, but just a couple quick twists with a grinder is usually good for me.
  6. HeaveyKush

    1 Plant

    only 1 plant i doubt you'll get into to much trouble maybe just a couple weeks of drug classes or something and a 50$ fine
  7. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou sooo much GodsPlants, finally someone who has some common sense. i am going to check the phonebooks right away :D thank you again!
  8. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    Pretty obvious you don't know how to read
  9. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    You all are so quick to judge.
  10. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    This thread isn't about a job, nor Judging me on how I can't get 400$. And for the people who took the '2 years' part to heart, I was using that as a figurative example. Once again so no-one misses it, this isn't about how or why I can't get 400$, nor about a Job. -.-
  11. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    I'm sorry but I didn't know this forum was about Jobs now.
  12. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    Michigan (Lansing MI)
  13. HeaveyKush

    Favorite Movies

    Thanks I think I'm gonna watch that tonight :D
  14. HeaveyKush

    Favorite Movies

    omg that was awesome he had a bob marley lmao i love caddyshack
  15. HeaveyKush

    Awesome! I love your site =]

    Awesome! I love your site =]
  16. HeaveyKush

    Sign of Good Weed?

    well my roach left over on my joint is brown with resin.. like at the end there is about 3 cm of thick resin. the buds had a bunch of crystals, also plenty o easily visible orange hairs.
  17. HeaveyKush

    Joint or Bowls?

    i just rolled a joint with what i had, and i still got a nug left for the bowl. i actually rolled a pretty nice joint this time, those hundreds of times practicing with tobacco worked :D
  18. HeaveyKush

    Favorite Movies

    What are your favorite movies to watch after smoking? :joint::joint: I like to watch funny movies, as they seem 10x more funny. (More funny? Funnier? W.e xD) Meet The Browns is a good one, RV and Gamer are pretty good ones to. What are yours? :D Do you like the movies that make you go...
  19. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    Like I said there are reasons that I can't control that I can't and won't disclose on this site.
  20. HeaveyKush

    So like, my hopes and dreams are crushed now....

    =[ Man I'm screwed... Well this ruins a good portion of my life =/