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  1. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    My resurrected post freeze super stunted plant. Glad I kept her alive. Even small, starting to get a little juicy.
  2. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Looking juicy!
  3. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Super stunted from the deep freeze that we had, but I resurrected her. She was on life support. Hardly will be enough for a fatty, we will see. Still happy that she’s alive.
  4. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Honestly, I just drilled random spots in the solo for air flow and a little water drainage. Nothing fancy.
  5. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Doing MUCH much better after that bs storm. Seems as though I have revived her. I am back in this.
  6. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Looks amazing. I’ll post a picture later of my solo grow. If I can’t get her to recover from the hard freeze last week, she might be a goner.
  7. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Thanks. Now it’s time to grow more than before. Lol
  8. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    I’ve come to grips with reality that they are lost. I removed them from their pots and got rid of them. Placed five seeds, same strains into water to start the process all over. Seven weeks, wasted. Solo cup grow on the other hand might survive. I’ll keep you posted.
  9. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Here is a BEFORE picture. Pre-winter storm;
  10. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Yo guys. Am I fucked? All of these were autos, two weeks into flowering. 36 hours of no power, which means climate control environment went right out the window. My solo cup is actually doing very well.
  11. N

    Sub freezing temps

    This storm caused us to lose power for 36 hours. Plants were exposed to sub freezing temps for a majority of that time. Power is back, tent is slowly climbing in temps. Now at 56 degrees and getting warmer. Is there still hope for these or are they screwed? We were about two weeks into...
  12. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Never too late.
  13. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Power has just been restored after 33 hrs of temps below 20 degrees. Just turned the heat on and got everything back online. Here is what the solo cup looks like until heat can bring everything back up to temps: Will try to revive all of them.
  14. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Hopefully my auto will weather this storm. Almost 24 hours without power now. No lights, heat, nothing.
  15. N

    3x3 Organic Autoflower grow

    Delicious flowering. Pineapple Express auto Growers choice seeds FFOF and ph balanced water, nothing else. Mars hydro TS1000 3 gallon airpot
  16. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    I think I prematurely put her under light when she first sprouted. I’m also growing the same strain in a 3 gallon medium and she is shorter/fatter than the other strains I planted on the same day.
  17. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Finally sprouting and looking decent.
  18. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    With such a small medium as the growing container, that is actually a great question.
  19. N

    2021 Solo Cup Challenge

    Looking juicy.